I'm the evil sister now

"Adeline, we need to talk," Brittany said, her voice sounding tired.

I lowered the copy of Vogue magazine I was pretending to read, and gifted Brittany my full attention.

I studied her face. She looks so weary. I feel sorry for her. I have been giving her the silent treatment for a week now and it's devastating her.

"I told you I don't want to speak to you. Fuck off, Brittany" I snapped at her.

Brittany grimaced, walking away in defeat

I am playing the angered and betrayed sister so well. Acting so hurt my sister slept with a fake boyfriend I have no feelings for. Oh, I deserve an Oscar.

I congratulate myself with a lazy swig of the mojito drink I was taking.

"That was harsh," Harper says.

"I don't care," flipped a page of the magazine.

Harper and I are relaxing this late afternoon, on the patio in the garden.