Friend zone

Adrian scrunched at his phone and frowned. "I have to go. One of my patients is experiencing tremendous pain I need to attend to him." He excusably says to run off, leaving me to deal with the chaos he has caused.

I gritted. "Gosh, I hate you. You are bolting out leaving me to deal with the trouble you caused."

A frown deepens on his face. "What trouble?"

"The illusion you planted in my head!" My index finger prod at William.

Adrian wore his mischievous signature smile, and his hands dropped on my shoulders. "Don't claim your eyes are deceiving or paranoid. That dude over there," I cocked my head to the left and gave William a sideways glance.

"He is reality, Adeline. Figure out what to do about him. I am off." Adrian kissed my cheek, and strut away, leaving me to deal with this forbidden man.

I steal a glance at William and sigh. He caught me staring and shoot me an overwhelming look.