Beautiful Mariana

I couldn't shield my astonishment as I stood in the driveway of Adrian's home, the Lawson's Mansion.

Adrian's family mansion is way smaller in size than ours but more welcoming and appealing.

It's a 19 century mansion style with Palladian windows. And it got personality.

"Your home is beautiful."

"Yeah," Adrian replies.

He scrunches up his eyes as he stares at me. Then he grimaces. "I just noticed how terrible, you look."

"I have been waiting for you to notice. Now lead me to your bathroom so I could shower."

He nods. "Shall we?" He offered me his arm. I confusedly blinked at him.

"You forget your lines or something.?"

"Oh right. No one is here why should we start acting like a couple?"

"Look," he pointed to a girl coming out of the mansion. She might be one of their staff.

"Babe, once we are here we got to do the faking." He grins.