Lotus flower (part three.)

Chris laid his head back on my lap and I went back to stroking his hair.

After a few minutes of silence. He spoke. "Do you know what lotus flower signifies?" He asked.

"Darkness, or love" I answered.

He cocked his eyes up to look at me. "You are right but it's just half of the reason why I have the lotus flower tattooed on my arms."

I stared at the red lotus flower on his other arm and wonder what it means.

"I spent months in a children's psychiatric center because of how violently I stabbed my mother's rapist and murderer. Everyone thought I could be the next famous serial killer because I was a psychopath. " He laughed. It was dry and sad.

"They released me when I didn't show any signs of violence or traits of a psychopath. But I wasn't the boy I used to be. I became cold and distant to everyone including my twin sister. " He paused allowing me to grasp it all in.