Discovery of an animosity.

I crane my head up and smiled after the last glide of the bow over Rosalyn's strings, ending my first performance of the day at the Physiotherapy clinic.

The applause and praise came through as always. But it never gets old nor can I ever get used to the hails I receive after my performance is over.

The crowd of patients that filled in the small room to watch me play dispatched as I placed my Violin back in the case, getting ready for my Solo performances for the kids who are too fragile to join my mini-concert.

It has become a routine every Friday, I perform for the adult then afterward I gift the kids with my music.

Most of the patients here don't mind listening to my classical music but I do try my best to be versatile to cater to everyone's music taste so I play notes of songs from different genres. And it fun experimenting with new tunes.