Scolding of the golden child and the imperfect me.

"Mom will freak out if she sees your new look. She's so obsessed with your hair." I chuckled at Brittany.

"And oh, you know you can not tell Mom and Dad about what I did to you. Daddy's election campaign is starting soon I don't think he wishes for any drama. I can simply let the whole world know what you did to me." I threatened her.

She nods, reluctantly agreeing with me. Of course, she is not going to say a word about it. She wants to be the governor's daughter so badly.

"Good," I walked out of her room.

"Miss Pierce, you are asked to come downstairs for dinner." A maid behind my door pass on the message to me as I was getting dressed up after a long shower.

"Thanks, will be down soon." I sigh. Great. Dinner with my parents and my annoying sister.

But my mood lifted as I remember Brittany's new haircut. Oh, mom will fuss.