stealing my sister's man (part one)

It has been two weeks since I told my parents I would be returning to the orchestra just to trigger Brittany. Honestly, I have no intentions of ever returning. I don't want to see William I hate his guts. But I have been feeling a sadistic pleasure knowing Brittany is anxious about that.

I'm at my door getting ready to escape from home. I got a girl's hangout with Harper.

My fingers tightened around the door knob when I heard my phone's ringtone. It's lying somewhere in the room.

"Shit," I cursed. I was about to leave my phone behind. I search my room, my ringtone leading me to it. I finally found it in my closet. Jeez, how did it get in here?

I flip the screen on. I frown noticing the identity of the caller. Why is the caretaker of my late grandma's cabin calling?

I did a double-take and called her back.