Tangled in confusion

I jostled out of bed abruptly with heat swirling in my center. I had a wet dream and it was so vivid that I thought it was real.

"Oh God," I touched my lips, feeling embarrassed. Someone was touching me in my dreams, pleasuring me. The devastating thing is, the face of that person was Chris but the voice that spoke to me in the dream was William's voice.

I'm going crazy. Someone save me. Maybe I should immediately see my therapist, Dr. Swift.

Glancing at my surroundings didn't do me any good it rather made me feel more frustrated. I'm lying in my boyfriend's bed in his greenhouse garden and here I was having a threesome with him and another man in my dreams. I need a priest to perform an exoticism on me because I have a lot of demons living inside of me.

"You are awake?". Chris walked in shirtless with only sweatpants on.

Lust fills my eyes as I admire his ripped torso.

"Good morning!" I purl, acting giddy.