choose me

Chris and I stayed cuddling in bed after passionate lovemaking throughout the morning. Just perfect but Brittany and her movie marathon have to ruin our day. I prefer we stay in bed the whole day.

But saying no is not an option so Chris and I went into the theater room.

William and Brittany were already present when we arrived.

"OMG, you guys look cute. You are matching clothes," Brittany gushes over us.

I have two sweat sets. I'm wearing one and Chris is wearing the other. It was just an accident we didn't plan it. Again, I'm grateful they are big. Mine looks baggy on me but Chris looks perfect in his.

"We didn't plan it," I said.

"Love couples who are always in sync." She praised and I chuckled inside. Brittany is shipping us too much. She is really fangirling over our relationship.