our first date ( part one)

William's POV.

I stripped off my clothes and jumped into the shower.

The high-pressure water from the shower head sprayed on me as my thoughts got clouded.

I comb through my mind thinking about the conversation I just had with Adeline.

I didn't lie. All that I said to her was true even though it was a half-truth. I just omitted some of the truths.

Yes, my Grandfather wants me to marry Brittany in exchange he will continue to help me fund the cancer foundation. But I won't lie, marrying Brittany is also part of my revenge plan against the Pierce family.

I was very reluctant to start dating Brittany, it was Naomi's idea after all but when my Grandfather approached me with the proposition of marrying Brittany Pierce using the Cancer Foundation as leverage over me I got the excuse to commerce Naomi's plans without feeling like a terrible person.