The clash with my sister

Brittany's eyes were brewing like a hurricane. I hadn't realized my hand had made its way to my stomach, rubbing it protectively. My maternal instincts appear to have been awakened very early.

"So, can I leave you two to talk it out?" Harper spoke, heightening the tension in the room. She exchanged glances with us, saying, "I hope it doesn't get ugly; I know how things can turn violent between you two."

Brittany snorted. "You don't have to worry about me. I am not the one with violent tendencies or intermittent explosive disorder." She fires at me but I remain unfazed.

"I do not go on a rampage, destroying property and nearly killing people if not stopped," she shot at me again.

I found her attempt hilarious. She's attempting to trigger my wrath so that I can unleash it on her to prove a point. Sorry for disappointing her; my fury has subsided, and I have a baby to worry about.