on the day of the wedding (Part one)

Finally, after several postponed dates, the wedding of the century will take place today, and I would like lie in bed until it is over.

Even though I'm no longer the maid of honor. I'm still the sister of the bride so I'm expected to be there.

Fuck it! I just want to lie in bed and watch a serial killer documentary in peace.

Here I am in a white robe with wet hair waiting for someone to come dress me up for this wedding because I'm not inspired to do so myself.

I glanced at the doorknob which was churning.

My door opened to reveal the mother of the bride.

I plastered a smile on my face. "You look nice, mother." She really does. She looks stunning. Mother of the bride indeed.

She shot me of one of her stern glares.

"Why are not dressed? Your sister is halfway done."

"I'm on it." I waved the hair dryer that was in my hand at her.

"Be quick, someone will be here to take you to the venue."