the whole truth (part one)

"William has a wife?" Brittany's fingers touched her shocked parted lips as she shot me an incredulous stare.

"Yes'" My heart is pounding hard in my ribcage. My shoulders are tensed with shock.

"So you are telling me William had a wife and I don't know?" She shakes her head in disbelief.

"I know everything about William. How come I didn't know this?" Brittany is having had time believing this.

"You don't know everything about William. " I murmured but she heard me.

'How did you find out?" She asked.

"He told me. No one knew they were married except me of course. "

I slang my head down on the desk, my hands combing through my hair. I can't describe the emotions springing through me.

"So William's late wife is Eleanor Thompson. The twentieth victim the serial killer killed right after his court trial. ..."