the whole truth (part three)

"I hope you called me here for something worth my time.  I was halfway to the airport, about to to to...." Naomi stopped talking when she spotted us.

She blinked.  "This has gotten really interesting. "

"It has." My lips spread into a cold smile. 

"Running off to somewhere Naomi? Aren't you forbidden by law to leave the state especially when you are involved in a double homicide investigation?"

She just chuckled. "Didn't your sister tell you I was found clean? Very innocent and I had nothing to do with your parents' death."

"We all know that's a lie!" Brittany sneered at her.

"Oh, I see what is going on here." Naomi peered at William with disappointment gross on her face.  "You conspired with your ex-fiancée and your mistress  to confront me."

The laughter she burst out didn't last long as I was abruptly up on my feet and rambling towards her. My fist connected to her jaw. I gave her a powerful punch.