Xuna’s Journey (Part 6)

The sphere was a darker shade of greyish-blue, humming with a luminous lustre in her senses, condensing the radiance into a long serpentine head that gradually morphed into a Klock head.

It stared at her, emotionless. But, Xuna noticed that the five Klock heads above her were willing to accept it.

'Can I actually touch it?' Xuna wondered, for even a tiny pearl condensed from the lizard tears was enough to kill her. So, coming into contact with a fist-sized version of the same was suicidal in the least.

It was not to mention the fact that this greyish-blue sphere seemed to have been condensed over a long duration.

But of course, since she was aware that this was her lucky encounter, Xuna wasn't afraid. Hence, she didn't touch it with her hand but instead touched it with the shaft of her rocket. Nothing happened though.

After a moment of thought, she emitted some Nacre from the rocket nozzle, watching it seep into the sphere that lit up in response immediately.
