I ran through the snow as fast as I could. My breath coming out as bursts of fog. I could feel myself tiring out, jumping and running for a solid hour in these frozen woods was beginning to take its toll.

There are times when I enjoyed the frozen woods and mountains of Tengan, my home. The snow falling and sticking to the trees in some areas, and the sun shining on other parts. It was like a dream. But during the trials, they were a nightmare. During these trials I crave for nothing more than my warm bed and the sun on my face.

All of a sudden a howl pierces through the frigid air. Someone was down, A spike of dread goes through me. That howl was too close for comfort, I couldn't fail, not again. The scent of my own fear was so strong that it had to be forming a trail leading right to me.

More howls came shortly after, they were right behind me, following me. I could smell the scent of my own fear in the frigid air. The pungent smell was so strong, that I felt ashamed. It wasn't just failure I was scared off. I knew I was leaving a trail when I heard the howling and growling of wolves in the near distance. The thought that they had me on the run and afraid, spiked their bloodlust even more.

I pushed myself to run even faster, if I could just reach the marker, then I would be safe, out of the challengers territory and into the safe zone.

I refuse to get caught, I refuse.

A lot was riding on me getting through this.

With a final burst of strength I pushef myself forward. There are about 400 yards between me and the safe zone. There was a squad of enforcers about 200 yards behind me, the only chance I had of finishing this safe and sound, is with speed. I've proved my endurance capabilities, I've gone three days in this form, with almost little to no food, with the water supply dwindling due to the decreasing temperatures, I just have to make the it through the last stretch .

I see a red flag in the distance.

The check point! I'm almost there, I can do this! I'm closing the gap, almost there, almost there.

Suddenly I'm tackled from behind. Whoever attacked me from behind clearly had it out for me. I've taken a hit, a big one i think, from the back of my shoulders to my sides. it's not deep, thank goodness for that, but in these conditions, it'll only made me weaker. I scrambled up quickly.

I would definitely get pinned if I didn't get out of here. I rolled quickly to the side, whimpering when I feel the cold snow get into my wounds. The sting of the cold in my wounds, coupled with how tired I was, it was not a good combination.

I shook the snow of my fur, and let out a growl, baring my teeth at my attacker. I was so close, whoever this was made the decision to separate from the pack, this was a solo mission to bring me down. It wasn't going to work though. I had too much riding on this, I wouldn't, couldn't fail again.

My eyes stung from the pain of my injury, I let out an angry growl, and tried to make out who this was through blurry eyes. It definitely wasn't a participant, why would they waste precious time on attacking me when they could just cross the finish line. There was no limitations on who could enter, it was when they could enter.

The only ones who could gain anything by stopping me were enforcers. But I would've been pinned without thought and marked out.

That's what happened the last time.

It freaked me out that I couldn't get a scent. Maybe it was because of this freaking snow

Calm down, calm down. Panicking will get you nowhere.

Less than 200 yards to freedom, a warm bed and vindication from my past failures awaited me. I couldn't let just anyone stop me, this was a game of survival after all.

I moved a couple of steps back to make a break for it.

'I don't want a fight' I say. My attacker bared their teeth, a low yet powerful growl coming from their mouth.

Okay. So maybe my companion wanted one.

'Look buddy, I don't want trouble, let me through or else.'  I said with a growl. I infused my authority as a Beta to get my point across.

I wouldn't be stopped. I shook my head one more time and bared my teeth.