It was dark. That was the only thing I was sure of. 

Well that, and the fact I was falling, falling in and through nowhere. 

There was that sinking feeling in my gut, the feeling of shock and dread that made me know I wasn't alone in the dark. 

Though there seemed to be nothing, though my eyes told me there was nothing, I knew… 

I was being watched. 

In wherever this was, where the dark and endless falling was sure, I was being watched, by who? From where? I didn't know. 

"Hello." I said " I know someone's there, show yourself." 

There was no answer. I still felt that falling sensation as I turned from left to right, up and down trying to make some sense of the dark and the uncomfortable itch in my head that made me think I was forgetting something. 

"Hello?" I called again. 

"Hello" someone replied

I spun around trying to find the source of the voice.