"No!" I yelled. I turned around half expecting to find myself surrounded by wolves again. I blinked repeatedly in an attempt to push the dream from my mind. 

I gasped for breath as I held my chest, my heart beating fast. Way too fast. 

"It was a dream." I said to myself. "All a dream. She's gone, but you're alright." 

I kept repeating that as I took deep breathes, in and out, in and out. Suddenly pained howls filled the night. 

I flinched in shock, as it dawned on me exactly what the howls meant. Of course I was reliving that nightmare, it made sense. After my "talk" with Jacob two days ago, and then today.

Somehow even though I forced myself to forget, to look past it, to ignore the changing of the seasons, the passing of days, to weeks, of weeks to months, months to years. I couldn't forget. I couldn't escape her, even in my dreams .