Am sorry

"Sasha! Nail didn't call?" Amira asked

" He did, why did you ask" she replied

" You have been staring at your phone for a while now,

" Well....uhmmm have Ariana called you yet?

" Why? She's with Nick,why should she be calling?"

" That's it Amira, she should call , and let us know what is up"

" What is up? Oh God!! Sasha Ariana is doing well, that's why she's not calling, Nick is not a monster that will eat her up"

" He's more than,if you must know" Sasha said

" Ariana is not a child, so can you please focus on something else"

" Amira!!"

" Sasha I know you are worried, but let's let her handle this her sef,she can do"

" He's a mess, and he's gonna mess up her life, I have a bad feeling about this, what if.....

" Nothing Sasha, just chill, but come to think of it maybe he likes her too if not he won't accept to the deal"

" What if he has a motive behind"

" He's not that bad now, Ariana is a nice one why would he do that"

" She was a nice girl when he dumped her, so?

" Every love has it's own story , this is her's she will be fine trust me"

". I want to, but it's hard, she better make him fall for badly or she will face me " Sasha said


" What??" Nick asked

" It's still look the same" Ariana said

" Yes, I haven't change a single thing here"

"Yeah I can that " she said still looking around. "oho I told you this is the best wall paper, see it's still looking good" she said as she pointed at the wall

" Yes, and it really suit in" he replied with a smile

" It feels nice to be here again" she replied

< Ariana sat down brought out the Dsg, to work on her unfinished business>

" Already?" Nick asked

" Yeah, I don't want to waste any time, I need to finish it up as soon as possible < she said and Nick took a sit close to her>

" So what are you working on this time,?"

" A new design, something new and different" she replied

" What is it?"

" I can't tell you, it's business "

" Really?

" Yeah"

" But these color < he said pointing at her Dsg>

" It looks familiar?

" Yes"

" You once had a T-shirt with the Same colour, "

" You think?"

" Of course, you remember black has different colors"

" Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I remember black has different colors"

" Yes so I want my next design to be it, black has alot of color in it , and so beautiful" she said

" Wow, you don't forget things"

" I hold things that are important to me dearly"

" Where will you be taking it to this time?"

" Paris"


" Yes Paris" she replied

" Why?"

" What do you mean why Paris? Paris is the world of fashion, so I need it?

" On a contest?"

" Well you can say that, but not really"

" Wow"


" So you will be going to Paris, when?

" The editions begins by end of next month,so I should be there by end of this month" < and then she smiled and continue what she was doing>

" sorry" Nick said just then Ariana smile vanished

" Why?" Sorry about what?

" Hey Ariana am really sorry,am very sorry"

" Sorry about what, what's this"

" For leaving you behind" he said and she remained calmed just stared at him saying sorry>

" It's okay" she finally spoke up after a few minutes of silent

" No it's not, I know you were hurt, you were heart broken,am sorry"

" If you know it was that bad, then why do it ? Why treat me like nothing?

" pushed me, ?

" What?" Ariana said suprised

" It's all in the past now, but am sorry for letting you go even after knowing you loved me"

" You knew , but still left"

" Ariana"

" I get it, I never accept the invitation of going on dates with you, but still we never acted like a real couple, we don't talk about stuff, all we do is meet and try to get those stuffs out of our heads without even talking about it, you didn't trust me,not for once ... I was scared of loving all I wanted efor you to teach me and lead me up but no you just ignored me and walk away... Nick why?

" It's not that Ariana, you were nice, caring and lovable, I made the mistake am sorry or we both made a mistake,.... But we can try and fix it again

" What?"

" Let's give it a try again, Ariana i love you, with everything I have, an not able to accept you as my ex I can't just find my self doing that, even after getting Flora I still want you"< he said holding up her face,>

" The deal is....

" Forget about the deal Ariana what do you think is right, I don't know what you have heard about me but I genuinely love you I do Ariana I do"

< But she takes he's hands off her face and got up giving some distance between them>

" Nick, it's just the first day, let's try and keep to the deal" < he stood up and went straight to her holding her face once again and whisper to her ear " am sorry" her those words slowly in her ears made her a little weak she was gonna give in " am sorry Ariana" he whispered again taking he's face closely to hers she just stood , and Nick bend he's lip's to hers about to kiss her but Ariana made no move, just when Nick got he's lip's to hers so suddenly a phone rang and it's happens to be Ariana's phone so she hurriedly pushed him back and went to get her phone as Soon as possible,

" Hlo" she answered

" I see you are fine, it's okay but make sure you don't fall for he's lies again, get the story straight and get back,get if off you okay" Sasha said over the phone

" Goodness king !!!! Of course ma'am I will do just that,

" Okay now am at peace ,I thought you will be crying, or in some trouble that's why I called to check"

" Awwwwn thanks huni" she said and there ended the call Ariana did bother to look back at him she just sat down and continue her work

" Huni???"

" Oho it's Sasha"

" Sasha your boss and nosy friend" he said

" She's not boss , she's just nice and loving that's it"

" Okay , coffee??

" Yes please"


" The usually" she replied

" Yes ma'am" he said smiling as he went in to get her coffee