Chapter 7

I woke up feeling stronger than ever. I walked to the bathroom and took a nice long cold shower and made breakfast for everyone.

I had R.T.M pull up the zombie's movements and the surrounding area and made sure that it was still clear from the zombies.

noticing no zombies I went back to cooking and I served some food while waking up the rest of the people in the bunker.

I also started making some explosives just in case there's a horde around here or another mutant zombie.

I was aware of the group eating breakfast, but I was handling explosives so I wasn't going to let them sit there still active.

32 pipe bombs were all I could make at the time.

well, that would suffice for now, but later on, I would need to make way more.

if the zombies evolved like how they did in my last life then we could wait about 4 more days.

the apocalypse lasted six in a half years and I survived till 8. me now with everything prepared could last till the sun exploded.

since I had a garden I could plant food and have my food. I could plant mushrooms and since they grow the fastest then we can live on that.

"Diana," I heard Eva call me.

"what do you need," I said going towards her.

she handed me the PS4 controller and pointed at the screen. she was playing dead ops arcade and said.

"This game is rigged."

"it's because you don't have good luck," I said as I started a new game.

I started playing and collected a 9x streak with 9 nukes and 6 dashes, meanwhile, Eva was flabbergasted at my score.

I defeated the cosmic silverback and handed the controller back to Eva and left her there.

I went to my gun room and started to make turrets again with the help of violet. we also added their DNA to the bunker so now they can leave the bunker and enter.

I added a heartbeat system to the M4A1 and I added a Lazer sight to the Glock. I also scavenged all the electrical parts from the area.

TV, microwaves, phones, cars, traffic lights, anything that had electricity. I had cleared out the zombies so I didn't have anything to worry about, but I still didn't let my guard down just in case a zombie was there.

I got a lot of components that I could reuse for later and luckily I haven't met any survivors because I would most likely have to kill them.

never trust anybody... that was my rule number one when I survived. they would always find a way to betray you in the end.

if I had one of the girls with me then I wouldn't have killed them first, but I would interrogate them about what they wanted and if they didn't give a reasonable answer then I would shoot them.

I arrived back home and saw the group of girls watching the t.v. but violet was building something while watching the t.v.

I rolled a blunt and went to the roof and smoked it while looking at the chaos that was happening around the city.

I had to say this feels very nostalgic. watching the death of millions of people was like watching it the first time, except this time I was prepared and they weren't.

I also decided not to save random people that I find on the street. if they had a good use then they can come with me but if there useless then they can stay outside.

when this went down the first time nobody helps you, only you can help yourself. I learned how to make everything with the help of violet and that's why I'm helping her here.

I looked at the fire's that were happening around the city and I equipped my thermal goggles and looked in the sky for any flying zombies.

I began to shoot any of them that were inside my range and the ones that weren't I let them be.

my next daily mission was coming in 4 hours and I decided to stop smoking and wait for it to come along and complete it.

I spent this time doing whatever I wanted. I drank Pepsi, ate chips, messed around with my gun and I started to study the egg that I had gotten.

it didn't hatch so I left it alone for a while and I wanted to start killing zombies again because I was bored.

on the bright side at least Anna can walk properly now because of Vanessa's help so I suppose I should thank her later when the time comes.

I began to watch the surveillance and noticed no zombies coming in this direction so I hopped on my PC and started playing Minecraft.

I was building the biggest roller coaster possible until I got bored of that and started to play black ops 3.

I downloaded all the custom maps and began to play some tower maps. the grind was pretty easy after all I had my senses almost 10 times that of regular humans.

I noticed that some people were still playing online and not worrying about the apocalypse.

I hoped in a match multiplayer and listen to how they were talking about how the apocalypse was a dream come true for them and how they would outlive everyone.

then came the shit talking and everyone yelling at each other, two of the people were killed because they were too loud and the zombies found their location.

welp sucks for them, I started talking shit again and then they began again and the same thing happened over and over until I finally got my mission.

[??? is about to hatch, bond with it.

rewards: a bond for life, spirit animal

failure: ??? disappears]

I walked upstairs to watch the egg and waited for it to start cracking.

... and it did about 40 minutes later.

what came out of it surprised me, it was a

??? ( you guys choose what kind of animal, or creature, that she should bond with)


hope you enjoyed it.

also, can you guys tell me what power stones are?

next update: Naruto and his system or last day on earth