chapter 10

"That was a perfectly good pot," I said caressing the innocent pot.

"you get what you freaking deserve," Anna said pouting.

"well anyways I need to shower so if you guys need me you know where to find me," I said heading to the bathroom.

I had to take another shower just in case I still had blood in my hair or something like that.

"R.T.M use speed upgrade and finish the upgrade," I said.

"using speed upgrade, calculating time.... 15 minutes till completion," it responded.

"When that is finished start building the Mexican restaurant," I commanded.

with RTM following orders I took my shower and dried my hair, and then hopped on the couch and took a nap.

a very long nap.i awoke to see bolt sleeping on the ground next to me while I saw Eva sleeping on top of me.

I carefully got out of her grasp and put a blanket on top of her and then I stretched and popped my bones.

(honestly, I forgot everyone's names so this is their names now.

Eva = assassin waifu

Melissa = doctor

Vanessa= cop

violet = mechanical genius

Anna = sister]

the popping sounds were like music to my ears, so I began to to work on some traps. I'm mainly focusing on lasers since that would be the most powerful in the long run.

however to do that I would need some high-grade military-grade tech. I can go and raid their base before anyone and get access to all the loot.

'yes let's do that before they steal the good shit,' I thought.

I was about to go when the construction above ground had finished. I walked to the hatch and I found the building above us had turned into a fully functional watchtower.

I saw that It could be upgraded and the walls around my base could also be upgraded to steel wiring and the voltage will be higher.

bolt came up to my feet and started wagging his tail, I quickly pay him behind the ears before climbing the tower.

when I arrived at the top I could practically see my territory here. I grabbed the binoculars and began to look around.

I inhaled a quick breath at the site of a ripper camp a mile away from our base. I spotted some breachers zombies, aka harder tanks, attacking nearby infected.

I was going to need some Molotovs for those guys, otherwise, it was invincible. soften the flesh and then you can attack it directly.

"what are those," Vanessa said from behind me.

"infected," I told her.

"I know that, I'm not stupid," she said rolling her eyes.

I heard the scream of a witch off in the distance and the zombies going in that direction. I shook my head in shame, it was most likely one of the gamers that tried to get close to her.

"horny bastards," I whispered.

"what," Vanessa asked.

"Nothing, just wondering who was dumb enough to piss off the witch," I told her.

I noticed a couple more rippers' hideouts and they had already taken control of the tunnels.

to get to the main military outpost I would have to go through them, and if they were as psycho as in my last life, then I was going to be dealing with at least 20 of them.

"life is such a drag," I said putting my face in my hands.

"I know. yesterday morning I was a cop and now I'm a survivor," she said overlooking the city.

"I was preparing for my sister when everything went down. we were here before the zombie outbreak, but I had witnessed it first hand, and experienced it first hand," I told her as I slumped in my chair.

"I guess I can't do my dream job of being a lawyer," she said taking the other seat.

"Being a lawyer is overrated. too much memorizing and then one wrong case and your reputation is ruined and no one wants you," I told her.

"What did you want to be before the apocalypse," she asked.

"I don't really know. I could have been many things, but honestly, I would have been an architect," I looking off into the chaos-filled street.

"yeah I wonder what I could have been," I said thoughtfully.


sorry for the short chapter, I'm kind of busy.