chapter 18

I felt myself get flung through the air and land on the floor.

"it's not my fault you were easy to prank," I said dusting myself off.

"how many times do I have to tell you, I'm NOT sleeping with you," Death said.

"then you're never getting your scythe back," I pouted.

"I just have to wait for you to die," death said leaving the room.

'i ain't dying until I kill god,' i thought as I went to the computer room.

fifteen days after the apocalypse started a small portal appeared. at first, nobody thought anything of it, at least until we explored it.

the people that entered never came back out, and the only thing we got out of it was that only non-living things could pass in between the space.

we had the people that left take a paper with them to properly describe the inside of the gate.

the gate itself was a death sentence. fresh into a volcano, with active lava. no water and scorching air that hurt when you breathe it in.

the boss monster is a tall lava creature that was practically immortal. the only thing that killed him was having to freeze the whole volcano.

that would be difficult at the moment, however, if I become a tier three human I could maybe get a power that would be useful.

I looked at the four purple cores and popped them in my mouth and immediately felt the energy flood my body.

I grit my teeth and closed my eyes until the pain resided.

[host has obtained the skill: rage.

rage: seeing something you hate you lose yourself in anger and don't stop until everything is dead.]

I look at myself in the mirror and cracked my neck before getting my weapons and heading out to expand the fence.

we now have control of two blocks without outside help. no government, no civilians, nothing. I had technically built this all by myself. the bunker was technically not built by me, but it had been here since WW2.

in the first timeline, the rippers would have taken over it, and then it would have been major trouble since they would have gotten access to violets technology.

well I took care of one of their bases and I still had many more to go, after all, they did control over half of the city, and the cannibals controlled 25 percent of it, and I control only 0.001 percent of it.

I overlooked the city and started eating my breakfast before heading out on a hunt. while sitting on the chair I saw something that piqued my interest.

a black portal.

I grabbed my equipment and my suit and made a note saying "ill be back" and left.

as soon as I entered I could feel the energy entering my body, not harmful, but corrupting.

I shook it off and looked at my surroundings. everything was coated in purple and cars, light poles, and other stuff were floating in mid-air.

a zombie screech was heard and I grabbed my scythe just in case it was for me. I continued walking and I walked and walked until I found a campfire.

I sat down and began poking the flames. this place was surrounded by zombies, and I don't even know why I was there.

[host is begging to feel the effect of the dark aether. does the host wish to evolve?


I clicked yes and immediately doubled over. the pain I felt was immense pain but I clenched my teeth.

I felt myself hit the floor and pass out. the energy kept invading my body and only stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"wake up," the voice said as I opened my eyes.

the woman had a pistol, an assault rifle, and a katana.

"did requiem send you," she asked.

I noticed my hand tied behind my back and my mouth had a gag.

"mmmm," I tried speaking.

she's removed the gag and I said.

"no idea who the requiem is but I'm just trying to stop this portal from spawning zombies and killing everyone," I said.

she seemed to take a mental note of what I said and she took off the restraints on my hand.

"so what is this place," I said stretching my hands.

"the dark aether. zombies and other species came from here. all I know is that there are creatures out there that are powerful.

how powerful I don't know, but there are a couple of places that are semi-safe. this is one of them," she gestured.

"do you know where we are," I looked around?

"We should be around the town. however I advise you not to go there for long because once the zombies find your location they will swarm you," she said as I heard a loud screech in the distance.

"they found us. we gotta leave," she said getting up and began running.

I followed her and noticed that in the distance a large horde was visible.

"I'm Diana," I said running.

".. Samantha."


okay, I got a question for you guys.

what power should she get from aether?

controlling zombies, or the ability to be able to enter the aether at will.

personally, I feel like the aether ability would be better