chapter 25

I awoke and saw a demon chewing on my arm and I quickly punched it, instantly killing it.

I sat up and looked down at my body, noticing that my body was healed. no scratches, no cuts.

I also noticed that I wasn't tired and that my body seemed to stop aging entirely, and I wasn't sure anymore, although I think that's because I was well-rested.

I continued walking towards the exit to hell when I suddenly remembered the keeper.

I changed my direction and without saying a word I walked toward her and threw her over my shoulder, to which she gave a yelp, not expecting it.

"come on little one, this queen shall take you to her humble abode," I said running through the hallway full of undead.

I saw the portal in front of me and I jumped through it with no regard for our safety.

when I entered, it felt like sand entering my mouth, but when I got my senses back I found myself back in my city.

I put her down and looked around my broken city. I don't know how long I was gone for, but It seemed to have aged by at least a year.

"I sense something unpleasant," she said from behind me.

"Welcome to the city. now then, it's time to explore," I said letting her grab my hand and led her through the city.

"my world was destined to die. with me being the only survivor, however, I gave god the big fuck you and here I am," I said with a big grin.

I stopped and started at the gate in Infront of me. standing in front of the gate were two male humans and on top of the wall there were almost 13 people ready with guns.

"is something wrong," fire asked behind me.

(her name shall be fire)

"yes," I said as I picked her up, much to her surprise.

I jumped onto the roof and gently put her down, and I began scouting the area.

it seemed like a city with lots of people. kids, teens, adults, and even the elderly.

however my bunker was there, and I had no idea if Anna, Eva, and violet were safe.

"Welcome everyone. as you all know it is now the first year that this place has been up and running. many of you might not know who I am, but my name is Annabelle Ross.

my sister Diana Ross helped build this place. she has been missing for almost two years, and in that time we managed to build a sanctuary.

my sister helped with pinpointing the weakness of the zombies. without her help, we would all still be out on the streets savaging to survive.

as you all know, this place has strict rules. no murder, no stealing, and no violence of any kind. those found guilty will receive a punishment worthy of the crime.

this is Anna, signing off."

the intercom was turned off and I couldn't help but smile. so my sister was safe, and she's running this place.

I continued to scan the crowd when I saw something that pissed me off bad. Eva was inside a room with 4 other dudes.

however, that wasn't the only thing going off. my domains also were.

I was getting memories that my mind could barely comprehend. flashes of countless betrayals, and many crimes that went unpunished.

I probably would have gone insane, but a hand suddenly rested up on my shoulder and I was pulled into a hug.

"I sense you are in deep turmoil. please rest up on my Bossom until you feel well," she said as she held me.

(hehe, she and death will be the main waifu. no more)

(meanwhile in the godly realms)

a small red-haired girl could be seen smiling while looking at her champion. she knew the day would come were she would be freed from her prison.

although what happened to her was tragic, she pulled through. although it wasn't a "curse" per se, more of a... combining two fates.

Hecate owed her a favor, and she just cast it in. so Instead of having to die over and over again, she just had to wait for "her" to show up.

Hestia knew that "eana" was going to be a revolution in the godly realm. Whether she grew to be a threat to her pantheon she doesn't know, but she hopes that she doesn't.

after all, she and I both share a domain, and that practically made them sisters, but only destiny knew what the future held.

unknown to her, destiny had no idea what the hell is happening anymore.


if you guys are interested, you guys can join my discord. it will let you know when it will update, among other things.