
Hey all, sorry for all the confusion caused. I am going to delete this blood from these platforms you are reading right now. I am not having much luck getting promotions and haven't made any money from them. If you want to buy the full version of it or even the hard copy, you can order it on @mazon. It will cost you around $7 for the completed ebook, which is cheaper than what you read on these platforms. And also, I just want to make it clear that I signed the book with a third party, which decided when the chapters would get published on these sites. I faced wrath from readers for not holding onto my promise, but I had completed the book in September; I don't know why the site was holding back from publishing the book.

I am sorry for all the wait, and I hope you understand and don't hate me. If you enjoyed the book, please rate it on @mazoN, which would help me stay motivated to write more such stories.

I hope publishing this chapter will help resolve the glitch on the site.

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