Finding the Floor


He stilled his lips as he realized that he was talking aloud to himself. He didn’t want someone to see him and think he was crazy. Shoving his thoughts aside, he walked into the building. It was big and airy, with clear glass skylights far above his head and railings lining the four floors above him. He liked the affect of being able to see the night sky despite being inside. It was almost calming and energizing at the same time, though he wasn’t sure how that could be possible.

Checking his texts from Syl to make sure that he had the right room number, he checked the few doors he saw, hoping to find the room he was supposed to be in. All he saw, though, was a closed concession stand, two double doors into the auditorium, and what appeared to be a front office. The plaques above them read “66”, “67”, “73”, and “74”. That had to mean that room 154 was on the second floor. Right?