Everyone in the tavern was shocked. They haven't received any news related to the war since they thought it happened in the south of Lagendia Kingdom. A moment later, a soldier in armour who seemed ready to battle told Zeliker and the others the same thing and urged them to move out of Shasui to a nearby refugee camp on the east.

"Let's go! We must help the soldiers in Marlom!" A young man, who looked like an adventurer, carrying a big sword on his back, told his group of six people.

"Go!" The others replied, and they hurriedly left the tavern.

Zeliker turns his eyes to Silvert. "Let’s go too."

Silvert nodded and they both left the tavern afterward, after Silvert paid the owner for their food. The residents were hurriedly running outside to the east while people who could battle and soldiers gathered at the gate to cross the border. On the other side, heavy smoke and light from the burning flame float into the sky.