Megiculus was the Master of this mansion! It is so confusing and terrifying that my enemy is right in front of my eyes while I am here too paralyzed by fear to do anything. He searched the room and laid his eyes on me with an evil smirk as if he could smell my fear. His stare was uncomfortable.

“Good to see you again, Susine,” he said, walking towards the head chair. Was it just me, or did the room suddenly go cold? No one spoke for a while till the devil settled himself in his chair, my gaze never left the empty plate in front of me, as if it is the most interesting thing in the world, not daring to look up. Meanwhile, I felt Megiculus’s eyes burning holes on the side of my face, a chill went through my spine.

“Let’s eat shall we?” giving me a final look, he started serving himself some food which was odd because with so many maids “the master” served himself.