Chapter 8 A path

Ao Ertian after receiving Arachna's corpse, then entered the back of the store and destroyed all the evidence recorded on CCTV.

“Fortunately the entire convenience store's camera system is offline, otherwise it would be difficult to destroy it.”

Ao Ertian, after destroying all the CCTV files, walked into the store again. Grabbed his warm food and walked home as if nothing had happened.

“By the way, why would a 2nd-dimensional creature appear here? It's behind the wall. There must be something strange about it.”

Behind that wall everywhere there was a system to detect foreign creatures. If there is an organism whose genetic code is foreign to a registered human or pet. There must be an alarm. But this was completely silent. It made Ao Ertian feel skeptical about the security system.

“System helps me check the genetic code of Arachna if possible”

Ao Ertian didn't know what that system could do. But he felt that the system would definitely be able to do anything.

And it was as Ao Ertian thought.

"Analyse [Arachna's corpse] 0% 1% 2% 3%…”

“Analysis results [Arachna's corpse] was found to be 74.83% genetically similar to humans.”

Hearing the system analysis Ao Ertian immediately nodded.

“No wonder, the alarm system is not working. This Arachna has a genetic code that is similar to humans than normal. or is it mutated?”

Ao Ertian felt the burden. If more than one such creature exists And if it spreads all over the city, what will he do?

“I must inform the authority. But how?"

Ao Ertian closed his eyes, trying to think.

“I can't think of anything. Should I throw the corpse around? In the morning it will be discovered for sure. And someone will inform the authority themselves... But where am I going to throw it? Camera systems are everywhere.”

There was a very high risk of being caught.

“What should I do, Should I report this on my own? is it better to accept the problem that will arise than let it escalate?”

Ao Ertian felt the world spinning. Yesterday, he was just an incompetent youth. But today, he was able to knock down and defeat 2nd-dimensional creatures, and not the weak ones at that.

[The system recommends the host inspect the Azure Cloud City in detail with a map system]

[With the map system, strange creatures can be discovered for the host to eliminate them.]

[Caution, inspections at large scales can take a long time. The host will not be able to use the system while the system is scaning the map.]

[It took 12 hours.]

The system notifies Ao Ertian. This is the best way the system can recommend. Examine the area to detect incoming foreign creatures. and let Ao Ertian be exterminated to harvest resources. Kill Two birds with one stone

“12 hours... Well, I think it’s pretty good, I don’t need any assistance now. Let the system help all the time, will definitely become a bad habit one day.”

Ao Ertian thought before asking the system to immediately scan Azure Cloud City.

“Analyze and verify... The remaining time is 11.59.59”

The system is now in scanning mode. And there was no more warning to Ao Ertian.

Ao Ertian walked back home, it was almost three in the morning. He walked up to his room before laying down on the bed.

He looked up at the ceiling and thought. What exactly did he want to do? Is it a hero fighting against the 2nd-dimensional beings? no, it is not. Or protecting his loved ones. it's just a part of it.

But there was something stuck in his mind right now.

“I want to go to the top…”

Ao Ertian's needs weren't the end here. He wanted to go on an adventure in the wide world. discover new things fill in what is missing

“I need adventure. I need the power to do everything without hurdles.”

He was able to think while fighting Arachna. He could only imagine when he encountered an event that would kill him if he was not strong enough.

Ao Ertian didn't want to be a weak person anymore. He must be great

He had to stand above everything and stare down with his eyes.

“Someday I will reach that point. The pinnacle that can only be found in legends.”

Ao Ertian had already decided that he would go forward in the future.

Which path will he choose to walk?

"The Path of Fire and Hell. A road that no one has ever taken and no one wants to go.”

Ao Ertian had decided that he would walk the dangerous path. He must become stronger. not for others but for himself. He will not yield to those who despise him. He had endured it enough.

“I have to plan well in advance of what I will do in the future.”

Ao Ertian rose from the bed again. before walking to the desk inside the room along with picking up a notebook and pen to jot down something

two hours passed It is now five o'clock. Ao Ertian walked out of the room before entering the bathroom. Take a shower and get dressed today, he would have to go to the testing center to get a power check.

The center's power tests are organized to measure personnel capabilities. Those who have passed the test will be registered. which if those who have measured and have a high level of power. That person would receive many special benefits from the city.

The first benefit is Those who passed the test were able to move their family up to a better and safer area. more systematic. You can buy necessities at a discounted price. can sell items at a higher price than usual. This is where only the strong can be treated well.

The city's allocation is a system where the strong have rights over the weak.

Areas A-C belong to those of silver level and above can enter.

Areas D-F belong to those who are of Bronze level and above can enter.

After F went down, it belonged to ordinary people like Ao Ertian's families.

The atmospheric conditions of the three tiers were very different.

Areas A-C resemble the modern and beautiful capital city. Houses are made of fine materials. The roads are neat, there are almost no dust mites on the roads.

Areas D-F are similar to cities developing concrete houses. Not a durable type of wood.

The area after F was not much different from the slums. There is a clear classification of classes. Survival was extremely difficult. Because these territories were branded by people of other classes as they are worthless

It's a low class that shouldn't even exist in the city. If it weren't for the rules set up by those at the top, It was not uncommon for ordinary people to be treated like slaves.

Since this world needs strength as a measure of human worth. Ao Ertian didn't even think about turning back. Now that he had such a great helper like the System in his hand, there was no reason he wouldn't use it.

But even if he doesn't have a system Ao Ertian didn't think to stop here. The presence of the system was only a tool that allowed him to reach his target faster.