Chapter 240 Two demon in one room

Inside a building.

Luz and Medea slowly opened their eyes. The two was awaken.

“Where am I?”

Luz felt extremely dizzy. He felt like someone had knocked him unconscious and took him for ransom.

Had it not been for his injured body had recovered completely. He must have thought someone wanted to kill him.

Medea was not much different from Luz. Just that she knew who caught her and Luz.

“Medea, what's wrong? Where does it hurt? They didn't do anything to you, right?!”

Luz who was so calm in the face of punishment. Now spoke with a worried look on his face. Even though his body was bound by some very strong rope.

Medea was moved that he was so worried about her.

“I'm fine, Luz. But we need to do something before that guy comeback”

“That guy, Who is that guy Medea. Tell me if he is one of those noble”

“No. The person who captured us was not someone from the Demon Clan who wanted to deal with you. but a human.”