Chapter 7

None of them talked about that restroom incident afterwards. Laxton Hendrix drove back to his office with her because he had some urgent papers to sign. Czarielle heard that it's for the payroll and for his pending project--though she didn't have any idea what was that project.

When they arrived at the building with thirty five floors and the last floor is his main office, Billy met them in front of the elevator.

"Sir, Mrs. Vanderveide called me and wants to confirm if you're already ready for your blind date tomorrow? She said you had promised to attend it at three tomorrow, same venue like before. What should I tell her if she called back?" He tried to cope up with his boss but he's walking too fast.

Laxton Hendrix turn around to look back at her and Billy before walking backwards. "Just tell her the usual. Of course, I won't miss it. You know, Billy." A smirked curved at the left side of his lips.

Czarielle rolled her eyes at him and pretend that she's looking at the paintings hanging in each wall.

Billy rushed towards the door and open it widely. Laxton Hendrix didn't notice that the door was open and when he's about to bumped on the stainless handle on the glass door, Czarielle pulled his black and white stripes neck tie to save him.

The force was too much for her and she got out of balance. He, on the other side, was not able to respond quickly so he just go on with the flow. When she nearly bump her head on the floor, Laxton Hendrix put his right hand on her head and his other arms encircled her small waist before he changed their position.

He's the one who had landed his head on the c0pold tiles floor while she's on top of him. Their lips were sealed together. Czarielle's eyes grew bigger in shocked as she batted her eyes for a few seconds, still holding his necktie on both hands.

Laxton Hendrix's eyes squinted in dismay as he waited for her to move and stand up. He glanced on his left side to break the short kiss and that makes her moved away from him.

"I-I'm sorry! That was an accident! You're head will bump on the door handle and I just save you from having a huge lump on the head!" Czarielle panicked, she's speaking too fast because her heart pound faster than usual.

When he's about to talk back at her, Billy pushed him inside his office, leaving her in the reception area in front of his desk.

"Calm down, boss! The other employees in a cubicle down the other hallway is already glaring at you. I don't want you to be humiliated because of a mere kiss."

Laxton Hendrix pushed him off him. Billy's elbow hit the wall and it had a small scratch on it. He flinch when he touched it.

"Just a mere kiss? Did you hear yourself clearly, Billy? She stole my first kiss! The first kiss I'm saving for my future wife! How dare her lips touched mine when she's not even my girlfriend!" He walk towards in his leather swivel chair, sit on it and pulled his hair on his head using both of his hands.

Billy giggled. "It's not a problem! Make her your girlfriend, then! Since that's what you are frustrated for. You'll be the one to benefit from that, I swear!"

"You're being sarcastic, aren't you? Why should I make her my girlfriend when I don't need to have one?" He glared back at him. The muscles on his face hardened.

"First, you'll have an alibi not to attend those blind dates anymore. For now, you can start to bring her over in every event or bring her where there are a lot of media to start the rumor. I wonder how your mom will react on this." He chuckled again and continue, "Second, as your companion, she needs to do what you want her to do. In short, she can be your slave. I wonder if she'll last with that kind of temper that you have."

Laxton Hendrix nodded. "Yeah, you had a point on the second one. Do you remember the embarrassing moment on their studio when she touched and pinched my crotch in front of many people? She needs to be humiliated like that! I'll have my revenge on her at the same time since I already told her that she'll be mg companion until I say it quits."

"Third, you'll have an excuse to leave the office whenever you were stressed. You can dragged her with you even in business trips or just going in mall. That'll be a good exposure since paparazzi's are waiting for you to see with someone. Do you want me to think of other benefits and put it on a list? I can send it to you at five." Billy sarcastically smiled.

Laxton Hendrix stood up. "No need, I'll think of it myself. Thanks for the idea, Billy! You're truly a great secretary for me!"

"Anytime, sir! Do you have any reward for me?" Billy grinned.

"Pass me the documents I need to sign and before that, explain them one by one. Of I signed a document that cause trouble in the future, I'll fire you!" His left eyebrows raised and his palm open, waiting for the documents.

Billy quickly run out of his office and went to his desk. He dialed the Pantry's number, asked for a snack for his boss future wife before he gather the documents from the bottom compartment of his drawer.

He explained the documents purpose one by one as his boss is seriously listening and asking follow up questions.

They finished doing that for about forty five minutes since the pile of documents almost cover his boss desk.

Laxton Hendrix even do some stretching on his numb arms, back and head from signing on those documents.

When he came out of his office, Czarielle is eating the last piece of egg pie tart. Her pineapple juice is almost empty on the tall glass.

"And for the formal party that both of you will attend, you still have..." Billy checked his silver Casio wristwatch and continued, "one hour and ten minutes to prepare. You can bring Ms.?" he eyed her drinking the last drop of her juice.

"My name's Czarielle Audra Racaza. You can call me Cza or Czarielle." She smiled and offer to shake hands.

Laxton Hendrix fake his cough, nudged Billy and whispered to him. "Is my office sound proof? She might heard what I said back there."

"Don't worry, it's sound proof." His secretary grinned and reached her hand for a shake.

Laxton Hendrix tap Billy's hand with hers and grabbed her right hand, making their hands intertwined to each other before he drag her on the elevator.

"Good thing that I always have my lipstick kept on my bra." Czarielle smirked on her reflection when the elevator door closed. She swiftly slide the shiny, red lipstick on her thin lips and make a pop sound.

Laxton Hendrix face is distorted. "Where did you keep your lipstick again? So disgusting!"

"Oh, really? What if I'll kiss you with this disgusting lipstick? As far as I know, you won't even flinched. I bet you'll dream of my red lips later tonight." She even made a flying kiss before running away from him after the elevator open up.

Czarielle's laughter echoed on the thirty fourth floor while Laxton Hendrix is running towards her.

"I'll get even with you later! Just wait for it!" His face looks flustered. He didn't expect that she'll have him a flying kiss in front of his own employees!