six years from now

a new day

Christmas is around the corner, and the NCW Christmas event is coming up. at the Nevada castle it is a family gathering, the kids are running around the house, " guys please do not get the bunnies running Vance, Volance, Vandor, Volume, Vinatone, and Venton, in the living room come on, let's learn by dad, said. Kari, " mommy, mommy. called, Venton, " yes son what you need?" we just played with our cousins Aunt Kari, " I understand that I do not want them running around the house, there are dangers around, you can play with them after class, said. Kari, " class? asked. Becky, "their father made them one one wrestling session tapes, for them to have a future at NCW, they need to know the wrestling styles, wrestling moves, that what we going to turn today wrestling session 1# being a brawler, answered. Kari, " daddy home, asked. Venton, " no, daddy is at the store, later we are leaving to the stadium to watch daddy in his first match there, for now, he wants you to watch this, come let's have a seat, said, Kari. they sat on the floor and listen to their father speak, she walked out and locked the gate, "their future was planned since the moment that Aunt Kari was carrying them, said. Parker, " yeah pretty much Uncle Viktor didn't want to be the only V name in the family so dad names them V names and mom give them their middle names, dad wants his generation to become wrestlers so Uncle Viktor starts taping his matches, and wrestling sessions when the stadium empty to teach them the basics of wrestling, boys watch the tape please you know he going to ask you wrestling questions later, they sat down at the and watch Tv, she walked in the room with their smoothies and sandwiches, " for Vance Chrispher Nevada one banana blackberry smoothies and grease and goat cheese sandwich. , for Volance Thomas Nevada one peach blueberry smoothies and grease goat cheese sandwich, for Vandor Curtis Nevada strawberry watermelon and smoothies greese goat cheese sandwich, for Vinatone Arnold Nevada raspberry pear smoothie and a grease goat cheese sandwich, for Volume James Nevada Pineapple plum smoothie and a grease goat cheese sandwich, and Venton Reno Nevada cantaloupe and cherry smoothies and a greese goat cheese sandwich, she hands them their plates and they started to eat, " maybe I should hold on to your sipping cups until after you finished eating, can I fix you guys a sandwich? Asked. Kari, " do you have any PBB and j? asked. Jimmy, " don't worry I not going to force you to eat what they got, no I don't have peanut butter and Jelly, how about a ham and cheese sandwich, said, Kari. " no thank you, said. Jimmy, " what kind of cheese? " does it matter I have one, you two are going to start getting used to it, because she giving us breakfast until I get the bare facts of the kitchen, like working the stove, oven, said. Parker, Viktor pulls into the gate, " you poor thing, do you want your big brother to teach you how to cook? asked, Kari. He walked into the house, " I home my family, oh babe I miss you, said. Viktor, walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around them, " were the speed demons? they kissed each other, " watch your session and eating, " I like to eat you, he smack her on the butt, " Viktor, he smiles. " least it is good to know you still crazy about my sister, said, Parker, " she the queen bee, the queen of the castle, my love for her will never end, plus she gives me sons to my dynasty, babe these their smoothies, asked. Viktor. " yeah, how is the restaurant Parker, she walked into the living room and give them their sandwiches, " it's ham and cheese, America, baby you want a sandwich? they take them from her, " thank you Aunt Kari. they said. " you are welcome, said. Kari, they finished their sandwiches and the tape, " let's get our protein in boys, who can tell me which move is used to put someone to sleep? asked. Viktor, " huh, what you talking about uncle Viktor, asked. Jimmy, " shh, I asking your cousins Jimmy, this is their question. they all raised their hands. " sleeper daddy, they all answered, " corrected my sons, what you call when you put someone on the ground is it a figure four or a leg lock? asked. Viktor, they take a minute to answer it, " he teaches them so please do not update them, or cut him off Jimmy and Becky, said. Kari, " boys, said. Viktor, they all answered at once, * figure four! He kissed his sons on the head, " those are my sons, good job Vance, Vandor, Volance, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton, ohh greese cheese sandwich yes babe thanks. Said, Viktor, as they finished their smoothies. " after mom and dad eat we get ready to head over to NCW, said. Viktor, she brings him his sandwich, " thanks babe, he sat down couch, and she sat down beside him. " mommy, Mommy, they called. " yes you finish your smoothies? Asked. Kari, " our they on a special diet? Asked. Becky, " in the way their mother is a fit instructor, so for all of us it's important to eat smart, and drink right, plus they are going to be wrestlers and be built like their father, so we need to keep then this way, greese meat is lean, goat cheese is healthy, the meals I fix for us is lite and healthy, I never cook with butter or grease or oils, I don't fry unless it on an important day, I bake, sometimes we grill, that is not fat on them that is pure muscle, they take after daddy. Said, Kari. " those my boys, Mommy, and daddy love you. Said, Viktor, " that not fair you deciding what they want to do, said. Jimmy, " boys what yu rather wrestle or get in trouble like other kids? asked. Kari. " shut up whoever you are, we want to be like our daddy , said. Vance, " just because you don't have a future doesn't mean we have to be like you two, said. Volance, " why would you want to take what we want to be from us, daddy mommy we want to wrestle with you, said, Vandor, " you, not nice people I want you to get out our house stop coming here, mommy, mommy, cried. Vinatone, " tell them to leave and don't come daddy and mommy we want the ring not be like them who get in trouble, said. Volume, "we don't know them and don't want to know to get lost! yelled. Venton, " P may just leave your kids at home, they are old enough to watch themselves, come on let's get into our gear speed demons, they followed him upstairs into their room. " Kari they are cousins, "I hear you, your is older than our Parker, lot of ways they do not understand that being a wrestler like their father, they not going to want them around them because they won't escape that who there are, face it they may be cousins, they never going to hang around each other, take them home we getting ready to leave, they are destined to be like him, just because you two do not want to like your father, do not come here try to rob my sons out of theirs, until you accept that who I married, that what my husband is, and that is what our son going to be, you not welcome here, she told them. "