Dark Reammut felt her body was very heavy and numb before she started to feel pain all over. She wondered what happened to her until she remembered it. She blinked her eyes open while her ears were still ringing from the attack. She thought she had a blackout for a moment but was startled to see the red sky above.
"I'm not… Dead…?"
She tried to move her body to stand. However, she felt something heavy on her chest that didn't allow her to do it. So, she looked down and was stunned to see dark red stains all over her and her surroundings.
What shocked her the most was a man on top of her whose lower half was gone. She froze as she looked at the man's entire body and face. A horrible scream startled her. She tried to find who was screaming but realised it was coming from herself. Her entire being was shaken up with eyes showing she was terrified.
No, no, no! This can't be happening! No! No, it can't be him!