Jung-Won sighs after completing another file. He rubs his head and closes his eyes. "There is lots of pending work." He mutters. He turns to look at the clock above his desk, it’s 8 o’clock already. “I need some coffee.” he says before leaving his office.
"Do you know Mr. Geun lost his baby because of his second wife." One girl says making the other two nod. "Yeah, I have heard it to Mr. Geun's second wife pushed Dr. Young." Another adds. "I like Mr. Geun and Ms. Young more than Mr. Geun and Ms. Seon." Third one says with disappointment. "I don't know why he chose such a stupid girl." Two of them roll their eyes. "She is a billionaire too. Stop comparing them." The girl in the middle says with a frown. They all agree before going back to their desks.