Chapter 9 Engine Theory!!!

Today is the day to fill in the application form. In the era of genetics, many things have changed dramatically. Kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools all have winter and summer vacations, but only senior high school graduates who have completed the genetics test do not.

   Because these graduates are in the continuous ascension period of the recipients within three months after the injection of the gene liberation agent. And according to each person's talent or genetics, training intensity, and training plan, a certain number of gene base points will continue to be activated within three months. Individual geniuses, coupled with resource advantages, can even open a systemic genetic base within three months and become a genetic liberator.

   Therefore, these three months are extremely important for the students who have just completed the genetic examination. Even if there are not many resources available for each graduate, the follow-up continuous efficacy of the injection of gene liberation agents can be improved to a certain extent.

   Therefore, each genetic evolution university will not waste this precious three months. And the state doesn't allow it. After the end of the genetic examination, according to the requirements of the Huaxia Gene Committee and the Chinese Ministry of Education. Each student needs to complete the volunteer application within 12 hours, and each genetic evolution university needs to complete the student admission work and report the final result within 36 hours. The relevant departments of each institution shall issue the admission notice within one day. From the fourth day, students can start to report to the genetic evolution university they are applying for. At the same time, all colleges and universities are required to complete the registration of freshmen within three days, and the remote area should not exceed five days. So the whole time can be said to be very tense.

   Therefore, Xu retired, even if he was a little down, and went to school again after breakfast. As a result, Xu Hui had no chance at all to enter the illusory state of inner vision through meditation to see if the gray dot was reckless. However, since Xu Tui woke up in the morning, his feelings around him have been different. From his intuition, Shangguan Jue seemed to feel that everything around him became more vivid, more vivid and real. He even felt the mosquitoes that had survived several waves of gene extinction alive in his mental power.

   Xu Tui knew very well that this was not the result of the improved vision after the injection of the gene liberation agent. It was not until Xu Tui arrived at the school and at the door of Lao Ban's office that he suddenly discovered the source of this abnormal feeling.

  Xu didn't leave early, but there were not many students who came to the old class to fill in the application form. Today, the volunteer application time ends at 8 o'clock in the evening. Many students are still studying with their families to study which genetic evolution university to apply for. There are not many people who are as selective as Xu Tui.

   The door of the head teacher's small office was closed. When Xu Tui raised his hand to knock on the door, he suddenly froze, his hand hovering abruptly. Although the door was still closed, the situation inside the door suddenly appeared in Xu Tui's mind. Cheng Mo was writing the volunteer application form in front of class mother Yu Zeping, and he filled it out fluently. And this guy didn't hesitate, he quickly filled it out and handed it to the head teacher Yu Zeping for review.

   But what made him weird was that Xu Tui had already seen Cheng Mo's volunteer university first. The first choice is Huaxia Gene Evolution University, the second choice is Huaxia Gene Evolution University, and the third choice is Huaxia Gene Evolution University. His three wishes are all the same.

   Xu Tui was stunned. But Xu Tui was not surprised that Cheng Mo's three volunteers only filled the same university. Instead, he was still outside the door in amazement, separated by the door and the wall, and separated by a person. How could he 'see' Cheng Mo's report?

   In the office, the head teacher Yu Zeping's frown, the yellowing smoke stains on his teeth, and the cigarette emitting green smoke between his fingertips, all appeared in Xu Tui's mind extremely delicately. That is a Chinese brand cigarette! However, the scope of Xu Tui's 'seeing' was limited to the chair behind Lao Ban. After crossing the boundary of that chair, suddenly he could not 'see' anything.

   "Is this my new ability that unlocked the 14 mystical gene base points? Or is it the new ability that I recklessly came up with last night?" In the era of genes, any mysterious ability is acceptable. But he wondered how the key to this ability came from?

   The voice of the two communicating reached the ears of Xu Tui who was standing outside the door.

   "Are you sure that the three volunteers will fully report to Huaxia Gene Evolution University? Once you can't get the grades, you will suffer a lot." Yu Zeping is like a mother again.

"Teacher, our whole family has been studying for a night, and only Huaxia Gene Evolution University, which is at the forefront of genetic research, is most likely to turn the gene point of the big stomach god king that I opened into treasure.

This is the only solution to my current problem. "Cheng Mo is rarely serious.

   Since it was the result of the whole family's deliberation, the head teacher Yu Zeping did not say more, but added one. "Then tick to accept automatic transfer allocation. If you drop the gear, there is still a way out."

   "Thank you, head teacher." Cheng Mo went out, saw Xu Tui, smiled and said hello, Xu Tui was surprised at first.

   Xu Tui said in surprise: "Heizi, how much did you eat when you went back yesterday? It's just that I haven't seen you overnight, why do I think you've gained a lot of weight?"

  Cheng Mo laughed. "I went home yesterday and I have eaten nine meals in total. My mother said that I have eaten up the half-month's food at home." But there was an indescribable bitterness in his laughter. "I don't want to, but I'm really hungry"

   Xu Tui didn't know how to comfort Cheng Mo for a while. "Wait for me to come out!" Xu Tui patted Cheng Mo's shoulder. After hesitating for a while, Cheng Mo nodded.

  The first time Xu Tui entered Banma's office, he took a look around.

   "Aren't you hungry too?" The head teacher looked out the door with a worried expression. There are many children like Cheng Mo every year. Although gene liberation agents can bring extraordinary abilities and developmental potential to children, the side effects caused by this can make many children cry for a lifetime!

   "Three meters!" Xu Tui ignored the head teacher and came to a conclusion. He was standing outside the door just now, and the range where he could sense the situation inside the door through the wall was about three meters. This is somewhat similar to the penetrating vision that Xu Tui dreams of, but it is not penetrating vision. Because of his so-called 'seeing', Xu Tui can still see when he closes his eyes. This obviously has nothing to do with vision.

Xu Hui tried it before entering the door.

   In the eyes of the head teacher who was worried about Xu Tui's mental problems, Xu Tui sat in front of the old class and took a volunteer form. He swiped and filled it in. Sign, print, submit.

   The head teacher was surprised, "Huaxia Gene Evolution University is all three volunteers. Have you discussed it with Cheng Mo?"

"Head teacher, I checked, there are few mystery departments, but there are not only few wisdom minds in the mystery department, but their abilities are also useless. It seems that they are doing research well. In most genetic evolution universities in the country, the wisdom minds are either half-dead or alive. In a stagnant state, let alone a professor, there is not even an associate professor. It is like our Jinchengfu University of Genetic Evolution. However, Huaxia University of Genetic Evolution is at the forefront of research in the entire mystery department, not only in Huaxia, but also in Huaya In this area, the entire Blue Star Alliance is at the forefront. As a smart-minded class like me, Huaxia Gene Evolution University is the best choice, there is no one." Speaking of this, Xu Tui thought of An Xiaoxue's words again, As long as there is no hole in the brain

After accepting the volunteer form, the head teacher Yu Zeping sighed softly, "You are all good-minded children. It would be a good thing if Zhen and Cheng Mo were both admitted to the University of Genetic Evolution. They can also take care of each other. Then you Just tick to accept automatic allocation?" Xu Tui nodded lightly.

   "Well, that's it, I wish you a bright future ahead of time," the head teacher said earnestly. The air suddenly froze, and then Xu Tui and the head teacher didn't say another word. He was afraid to say it again, because he was afraid that tears would fall.

  Fortunately, the knock on the door at this time resolved the freezing. Xu Tui got up, bowed deeply to the head teacher Yu Zeping, and left. Outside the door, Xu Tui quickly wiped his eyes with his sleeve to prevent Cheng Mo from laughing. Inside the door, the head teacher Yu Zeping wiped his smoky fingers from the corner of his eyes.

  The campus was very empty, so Cheng Mo found a corner and sat down with Xu Rei. "Which one did you sign up for?"

   Xu Tui replied, "Just like you."

  Cheng Mo confirmed: "Huaxia University of Genetic Evolution?"

   "It is said that the Huixin class in the mystery department is very useless. Huaxia Gene University, which is at the forefront of the mystery department, may give me a chance to develop." Xu Tui added.

   "I also hope that my problem can be solved." Cheng Mo's stomach suddenly growled in response to the scene, making Cheng Mo look bitter, and even a little bit of fear in his eyes.

   Xu Tui asked, "Are you hungry again?"

Cheng Mo smiled bitterly, "calf, you know, I don't mind being the king of the big stomach. But I don't want to gain 300 jins, 500 jins, and then become a mountain. I want to find a girlfriend and have a relationship. ."

  Xu Tui asked: "Didn't you tell us that you've been in a relationship before?"

  Cheng Mo explained: "It was a secret love. I wrote her three love letters, but she ignored me"

  Xu Tui comforted him and said:   "It's okay, I heard that university is a paradise for dating."

   "But have you ever seen a girl who likes a 500-pound fat man who eats nine meals a day?" Cheng Mo, who was leaning on Xu Tui, suddenly burst into tears. "Calves, yesterday I didn't feel the horror of turning on the gene base point of the stomach. But after I got home, I found out that I have turned on the gene base point of the stomach, and I can't describe it as a rice bucket. I am simply a monster of eating! Even I was scared. You know, my mother made me good food at the beginning. Later, my mother was tired of cooking. And they looked at me madly eating with fear. Just this In one night, I gained five pounds."

My dad said, if it really doesn't work, just cut off the stomach and cut off 95% of the stomach. I'm afraid of the calf." A handsome guy who was 1.8 meters tall lay on Xu Tui's shoulder and cried.

   Xu Tui put his arms around Cheng Mo's head, not knowing how to speak. In the skill tree of comforting people, Xu retreat-related skills are not even entry-level. "Heizi, don't be afraid. Huaxia Gene Evolution University may be able to solve your problems and mine. If you lose your horse, how can you know it's not a blessing. Maybe you, the king of big stomachs, will be so powerful in the future?"

   Cheng Mo said sadly: "Don't lie to me"

   "How can I lie to you? You see, in modern anatomy, the stomach is like an engine.

At present, you have turned on the genetic base point of the stomach, which is like a super-horsepower engine. Fuel consumption is high, but the horsepower is great. It's just that we haven't found a way to make this high horsepower play out. If you find it, you'll be blown away. Xu Tui himself was convinced by his own theory.

  Cheng Mo looked up at Xu Tui. He was stunned. Because Xu Tui's theory is really like that. But he doubted in his heart, "I've also read modern anatomy, why haven't I seen such a theory? I've had time to read a few advanced papers."

  On lying, Xu Tui was not panic at all. This statement is actually Xu Tui's own experience after going through the illusory inner vision last night.

   Xu Tui and Cheng Mo originally wanted to wait until Tang Ting to see which Gene Evolution University Tang Ting reported.

They waited for more than an hour, but before they could, Xu Tui and Cheng Mo dispersed. First, they estimated that it was difficult to choose the direction of Tang Hall's current genetic base point. Second, there is another reason that Cheng Mo is hungry. This dude is getting hungry. And it was still when Cheng Mo ate ten packets of snacks.

After Xu Tui invited Cheng Mo to have a luxurious fast food, he was ready to take the maglev bus to go home. Xu Tui wanted to go home quickly to meditate and enter the illusory inner vision state to see if the gray dot was bright.

   However, when Xu Tui was waiting for the maglev bus at the bus stop, he suddenly realized that someone might be following him.

   And there is more than one person following him!