Chapter 86 Visit Exchange Group

A44 Competitive Room in the actual combat training building. When Xu Tui arrived, Chai Xiao and Chi Hongying had already arrived. And looking at the empty milk tea cup in front of Chi Hongying, they should have arrived for a while. Xu Tui couldn't help but think in astonishment: "Senior Chai's girlfriend just wants to be beaten so desperately?"

   "Brother, you are finally here, brother, let's practice now?" Chai Xiao said directly.

   Xu Tui is a little confused about the situation now. He looked at Chai Xiao and Chi Hongying who came over and asked, "Brother Chai, Sister Chi, what the hell is going on? I'm not very skilled in using this mental whipping force, and I don't know how to use it on a person. After a long time, will it cause permanent damage to a person's spirit?"

Chi Hongying replied: "I have asked the teacher, and I have also asked one of the deputy deans of your mysterious academy. Normally, continuous mental attack will not cause permanent mental damage. Unless it is momentary It is possible to cause permanent mental damage only after being attacked by mental power that is several times beyond the limit."

  Today's Chi Hongying, changed into a high-top dark green combat boots, full of heroism. Xu Tui didn't notice, but at a glance, he found that Chai Xiao was also wearing a pair of black high-top combat boots. Yo, the clothes they are wearing are couples style.

   Just one glance, Xu Tui was silently fed a handful of dog food. Xu Tui suddenly thought about whether it was because of one of his good deeds series the day before yesterday, which promoted the fundamental change in the relationship between Chai Xiao and Chi Hongying.

   Chai Xiao has completely caught up with Chi Hongying? Or is there a major breakthrough in their relationship? Xu Tujue, after the training, he must let Chai Xiao treat him to a meal.

"That's fine. But Senior Sister Chi, I don't quite understand, why did you come here to be beaten with mental power? As far as I know, this is probably a very uncomfortable feeling, right? It's more uncomfortable than simply being beaten? " Xu Tui asked.

   "It's true, but I have to bear it for now!" Chi Hongying glanced at Chai Xiao, who quickly turned on his personal communication device and projected a video directly.

  Chai Xiao said: "You watch this actual combat video first."

In the video, two people are fighting. Without Chai Xiao's explanation, Xu Tui judged the identities of both sides from the style of clothing and the flying flag. One is obviously a youth from the Yiin Union area, and the folded turban is particularly eye-catching. The other one should be a youth from Hanxing District in Huaya Region. The position of the two in the video is the standard actual combat distance, fifteen meters! The black-haired youth in the Han Xing District should be of the extreme type, and his speed is extremely fast. As soon as the battle started, the black-haired youth in the Han Xing District swiftly shot towards the youth in the Yiin Union District opposite. But after just a moment, the black-haired youth in the Han Xing District suddenly twitched violently and fell to the ground on the spot. The young man in the Yiin Union rushed forward with a single stride, and the dagger hidden in his palm slid past. I saw blood spurting out in an instant. Cut throat! After that, the picture becomes a bit chaotic. First responders and teachers rushed to the stage.

As soon as the screen changed, it was a mysterious young man from the Han Xing District who took the stage this time. And it is a rare ice-type superhuman. As soon as he came to power, he was in a hurry to attack the young people in the Yiin Union area. But during this period, the bodies of the mysterious youths in the Han Xing District trembled three times in succession. On the fourth time, the ice-type extraordinary youth from Han Xing District fell to the ground on the spot. The youth from the Yiin Union area rushed forward again, and he wanted to cut his throat. But this time, the host of the actual combat in the Han Xing District stopped it in time, so it was not succeeded by the young people in the Yiin Union District.

  The video of the five consecutive battles is the victory of the youth in this Yiin Union area. He has successfully cut the throat of his opponents twice. Although under the current medical conditions, as long as the treatment is timely, the combatants will not die even if their throats are cut. However, that would be a lifetime nightmare for the fighters.

   "I watched the scene and it was actually fighting at school, right? Why is this kid so cruel? Dare to kill on the spot?" After watching the video, this was Xu Tui's first reaction.

"In actual combat, this is permissible!" Chai Xiao said, "The strength of the new genetic human cannot be compared with the capabilities of the past humans. The ordinary humans in the past were limited to their own strength, even after professional training. In the case of protective gear, it is very difficult to kill people with bare hands. However, the new human beings are different. They can hurt people and kill people in an instant. In some cases, the nursing teacher may not be able to stop them in time. At the earliest, The genetic committee has also limited the degree of fighting. However, for the new genetic human beings, once the degree of fighting is limited, such a fight will not be of practical significance. You have to keep half of your strength when you hit a punch. You have to worry about hurting the other party. If it is such an actual combat, it will not make any sense for most of the new human beings. In this big environment, it is even more difficult for the mystery department. There was a time when fire and thunder They are afraid of hurting their opponents in actual combat and in battle. However, once they perform a mission or go to the battlefield, the situation is completely different. Later, the Blue Star Genetics Committee clearly issued a requirement that there is no limit to the level of actual combat exchanges. However, high-standard combat protective equipment must be equipped, and powerful teachers specialize in saving people in a timely manner to reduce casualties. "

Having said this, Chai Xiao paused, "Actually, it is our school, especially in the competition for the dragon and tiger rankings, there are often serious injuries or even disability, and occasionally death. However, our school is competing for the dragon and the tiger. When competing in the Tiger List, the standard combat equipment used by the combat troops is directly equipped, and the protection capability is high enough. In addition, the teacher who presides over the competition is also strong enough. Therefore, when competing for the Dragon and Tiger List, injuries are very common, and serious injuries are more common. Less. Injury and death are rare. Of course, if it does happen, this is a risk that must be taken to compete for the Dragon and Tiger List."

   "I looked at this guy from the Yiin Union area, why does it seem like he was deliberately killing someone?" Xu Tui frowned.

   "If you can't even take this risk, then you can honestly do clerical jobs and give up the road of genetic evolution." Chi Hongying walked closer while walking on high-top combat boots. Then she continued to explain: "This person is called Azari. He is a talented student of the top Sinyin Gene Evolution University in the Yiin Union. Now he is a sophomore. The announced ranking is the top ten. Recently, he followed a delegation from the Yiin Union District to the Huaya Region for an exchange visit. The last battle was in the Hanxing District. He alone has transformed the top Taiji Gene Evolution University in the Hanxing District. The first six students in the sophomore year were disabled. Their next stop is Huaxia District in our Huaya Region. At that time, the location of this exchange battle will be held in our Huaxia Gene Evolution University. Students participating in the exchange, It was also selected from our second-year students of Huaxia Gene Evolution University. The teacher's requirement is that the top 100 students in the sophomore dragon and tiger list should actively prepare for the battle. But after we studied this actual combat video of Azari, we found that he has The psychic attack ability is too strange and rare. It is really hard to guard against. At present, the sophomore mystery college has not come up with a feasible plan. Our extreme college is also actively preparing for the battle, and I remembered your psychic whipping. I I asked the teacher. According to the teacher, if you want to take this kind of mental attack, there are only two ways before the cultivation base ability has not reached the genetic evolution."

   "Which two methods?" As soon as he said this, Xu Tui lost interest.

Chi Hongying said: "The first method is that the candidates participating in the competition have opened a genetic ability chain that has the ability to increase their mental power or mental power barrier protection. However, this is too difficult, and it is possible for the students of the mystery department after years of training. Do it. But it is too difficult for our students in the extreme department." Chi Hongying said.

   Xu Tui continued to ask: "What about the second method?"

Chi Hongying said: "The second method is simple, it is to ask us to be beaten! More specifically, it is to find someone to beat us with mental power. In fact, this is like the iron-bone ability of the extreme system. This ability is actually Practitioners are constantly injured and the damage will penetrate deep into the bones, and then use drugs to promote bone growth and healing. Then the practitioners repeat this process continuously, and their bones will become stronger and stronger. When the stimulation reaches a certain level , they will activate the relevant gene base points and cultivate the iron-bone ability. The same can be done with the spiritual power. It is that the practitioners are hurt a lot by the spiritual power, not to mention that the practitioners open the relevant gene base point ability. The ability to withstand this kind of mental damage will definitely increase. So they will definitely not be knocked down by one blow and lose their ability to fight."

   "So!" Xu Tui's eyes widened, already understanding Chi Hongying's thoughts.

  Chi Hongying said: "So, we have to use your mental whip to temper our ability to withstand mental attacks, so as to achieve the purpose of preparing for battle."

"Okay." Xu Tui nodded, and he asked curiously: "By the way, when the time comes to face this Azari, can students from other grades be able to join? How are the candidates determined?" After watching the video, Xu Tui asked. In fact, it is a little curious and even eager to try. Xu Tui wanted to try Azari's mental attack.

  Chai Xiao said: "According to the principle of peer-to-peer communication, only sophomore students should be able to play the game. Junior and senior students are definitely not allowed to play."

   Hearing this answer, Xu Tui was a little disappointed.

  Chi Hongying said resolutely: "Okay, now that you understand, let's start. Use your spiritual whip to whip me and him!"

   Upon hearing this, Chai Xiao's hair immediately exploded. He quickly waved his hand: "No, no, Hongying, if you come here, I won't come. Your sophomore ranks high on the Dragon Tiger List, so you must have the opportunity to communicate in actual combat. I'll let it go." Chai Xiao immediately turned into a tortoise.

"No!" Chi Hongying said firmly, "You also have to train. Even if you don't have a chance to face the exchange group in the Yiin Union area. But you must also temper your mental strength. If you encounter a similar opponent in the future, you will The tempering you received today will save your life. It must be!"

  Chai Xiao was a little dumbfounded and hesitant, he didn't want to be abused! However, before he could think about anything, Chi Hongying pulled him directly to Xu Tui.

   "Come on, hit us hard!" Chi Hongying stepped on her combat boots, raised her head, and with a simple sentence, she even shouted out a heroic taste.

Xu Tui thought for a while, and then he said: "Sister Chi, I think we are still doing battle drills while looking for opportunities to whip up mental power. In fact, any mental power attack has a distance limit. This point, only in the It can only be reflected in actual combat. I think it is better to exercise mental strength in actual combat."

What    Xu Tui said is true. Of course, Xu Tui also wanted to take the opportunity to exercise his actual combat ability. Whether it is Chai Xiao or Chi Hongying, they are both very good actual combat targets now!

   "This is also! It must fit the actual combat!" Chi Hongying only considered for three seconds before agreeing to Xu Tui's suggestion. She turned her head and instructed Chai Xiao, "I'll come first, then you will come again, one at a time. I'll wear protective gear."

   When Chi Hongying went to put on protective gear, Chai Xiao had already sent a message to Xu Tui quietly. "Brother, when you whip me with your mental power, remember to keep some strength. You can't maim me. Your sister-in-law, you should beat me hard. It's better to maim her, so that I can be like the day before yesterday. Chance!"

   Xu Tui, who received the message, nodded silently at Chai Xiao. Then Xu Tui replied: "Tell me, how many meals are there?"

   Chai Xiao continued to reply: "Three meals?"

   Xu Tui continued to reply: "I bring a friend, unlimited, how?"

   Chai Xiao continued to reply: "You can pull it down! You can still eat poor me!"

   Xu Tui continued to reply: "It's a word!"

   After a few minutes, Xu Tui's series of good deeds, the second one, begins!