Chapter 217 If you are not friends, so you will be our enemy

Within a radius of 100 kilometers, whether it is big or small, it is not small. You can run a circle in two or three hours by normal driving. If the repulsion speed car is flying, you can go around and search for a circle in less than an hour.

   However, things on the surface cannot be clearly seen in the sky, especially the mountains and forests that have long been covered by vegetation and returned to their original state. Part of this coordinate, already at high altitude, is partly covered by snow. Looking at it from the sky, there is a vast expanse of whiteness. Xu Tui felt that it was okay to find a larger valley, but if they wanted to find a cave on the cliff, it would be too difficult! What's more, as the altitude rises and goes deeper into the Dong'an Mountains, the dangers from birds are increasing and deadly.