The Clown’s Outcome

"You dare use my name, at that level?" He asked, though he didn't want a response. "Do not call yourself an Argyris in my presence. Cancel her birthday celebration this year, and sentence the two to house arrest for the remainder of the year." The Duke ordered, the girl was crying at this point.

"Replace the second wife's maids while she is under house arrest. That includes every single maid who had even been considered for the position," she could see fear on the second's wife face, seems like all the spies she planned to place would be gone, as well. "Isaac Argyris." The Duke called out, making sure to slowly say his last name.

Facing the Duke, the blonde nodded to show he was listening, staring at him but remained quiet. "An eye for an eye, would you not agree?" He asked, completely calm and serious. She knew what this meant, and so did everyone else at the table.

If he wanted, he had full authority to gauge out her eye. "Father, I would…" before he could finish his sentence, she felt hot droplets fall onto her cheeks, so engrossed with the punishment she didn't realize the state her mother was in, hiccuping uncontrollably and crying, blood spurting out of her mouth.

It was instantaneous as two large wolves circled her feet, she recognize them as the Duke's loyal dogs who had a thirst for blood. "Cyrille.." she could hear a low voice mutter.

Instead of getting attacked, the dogs licked her mother's shoes, trying to lick her face and whimpering as they nuzzled into her. "Call mother's head maid to bring her medicine." She heard Isaac sigh lightly, trying to pick her up between the two dogs, only to be growled at and narrowly missed being attacked.

One of the butlers on stand by nodded and rushed out, fear of infuriating the duke. "I'm sorry." She heard her mom whisper, one hand wiping the blood away to not get on her, as the other hand lowered her slightly. Almost immediately, she felt a cold and slimy tongue against her hand, then onto her cheek.

"Theia!" Her mom said in a panic, trying to get her away from the big dogs. "I forgot.." she had more tears prickling her eyes as the other dog had begun pawing at her mom, and the one next to her began to playfully cuddle against her, not allowing her mother to take her back and hide her away.

It was like the entire room was quiet for a moment, except for two overly excited wolves. "Could it be…? the girl's magic takes after her mother?" This time, she clearly heard the Duke. Her mother's magic? What kind of magic did she have, she was just a side character?

"Is the girl a beast tamer like the seventh wife?" She heard a woman's voice whisper. "No way, she's just a few months old, no more than eight or nine without affinity… right?. They're probably surrounding her because they can smell her fear!", another voice emerged, "The boy is hated by them, but she isn't. Explain that then! She must take after her magic."

Once again, Isaac tried to pick her up only to be growled at, and the wild dog stood protectively over her, not allowing him to step close. That was all she needed for confirmation, the fluffy wolf didn't want to kill her, but rather protect her.

She didn't recall anything like this being mentioned in the novel! Hearing that, she immediately pet the wolf that had nuzzled into her, licking her face. "Gobu!" She said out happily, trying to say good boy. They reminded her of huge dogs, that she nearly forgotten they were wolves from how friendly they were.

She felt herself being picked up, the back of her dress in the wolf's teeth, as it placed her onto the floor and wag it's tail happily, playing with her as she ran her fingers through its fur. "Wof!" She wanted to say wolf, but it sounded more like she was mimicking it's sounds.

"It's really not attacking!" Someone gasped, there were far too many people there to guess who, at this point. "Interesting," she heard one whisper after the next, but chose to ignore them while petting the wolf. She'd never been so close to any stray animals before, but always wanted a dog and a few cats but had always been told no, they took responsibility, time, and effort.

As the grey haired woman she presumed to be the head maid came in hurriedly, she held a bottle filled with pills, her face filled with fear. "My lady! Are you alright?" She asked, wanting to approach but the wolves begun to growl again when she got to close, ready to bite.

Without saying anything, the Duke snatched the bottle from her hands and bent down opening the bottle and taking a few pills out, giving them to her mother, and proceeding to pick her up effortless with the other hand as the wolves gave her mother one last lick before following him, still wagging their tails.

He didn't even turn his head to throw the bottle back at the head maid, nor did he show concern for her, a baby, as he tucked her underneath his armpit, instead slamming his hand on the table. "Tonight's dinner has concluded. Return to your own residences, now." He ordered, one by one the wives piled out followed by the dozen of kids talking one amongst another.

"You think seventh brother will gauge out fourth sister's eye later? Such a pity his mother's too weak to stomach it!" the sadism from such a young child, once again grounded her in reality. "Who cares? Not like she's going to learn from it, she'd only care if her dear boyfriend broke up with her." She heard a snicker followed, a different girl speaking up, "How cruel, third brother. It's more like she's stalking him, rather than they're dating."

Wait, come back! She thought. Oh once she was older she was going to learn who her crush was and make him break her heart in a pitiful manner. "I'll return mother to her residence, father. Though mother would be worried without her." Isaac spoke up, steadying their mother with one arm who was looking at her longingly, his other hand pointed towards her.

"Return to your residence, I thought I made that clear." He repeated, the head maid taking her mother away with Isaac, who only silently obliged to the order and walked away. Wait, don't leave her here with him! Just what did he want with her, actually?!