The Return Of Isaac

They were back at the inn, and in the corner were a few other gifts. She had completely zoned out thinking about the beasts while they went to multiple stores.

Staring at the tiger, she looked up at him and held it up, showing it to him. She wasn't sure how a baby reacts to children or people around them, but she did want to be on his good side. "Tibu." She commented instead of tiger.

She heard him snort in response and point at it, "Tiger." he corrected, only for her to let out the same noise. A baby wasn't really the best option to converse with. He continued to play with her for awhile longer, got the inn staff to find "baby food" for her, and played again until she felt sleepy, curse the body of a child.

Drifting off to sleep with the tiger she didn't notice as Nyx watched her closely. "So defenseless, I could strangle ya to death right now." He hummed, turning his attention to the tiger in her hands.

"If a beast like that existed, would ya be able to tame it?" He asked aloud, stretching before jumping to his feet off the bed, quietly picking up his weapon. "Or rather, would ya be able to kill with it?"

The room was eerily silent as Nyx weighed to future of this girl. She'd either die before her first birthday, or become the Duke's pawn. If she became the latter, he wondered if it would be more merciful of him to kill her before blood stains her hands and welcomed the madness.

For now, he didn't need to make a decision that should be up to Isaac, and he placed his weapon back. It may be better to kill her now for her sake, but the way she rested so peacefully gave him a little hope for her future. "Ya better not die easily, little eleventh."

It was a few more hours until Isaac returned, soaked in blood. It was hard to see his figure due to his coat, along with the lighting, but Nyx knew who it was the second the stench of blood entered the room. "Didn't I tell ya to clean yerself first?" Nyx said, pointing to the room next door.

Isaac rolled his eye, barely noticeable if not for the small lamp giving light. "She's not in this room." He replied, taking off his coat and handing it over to Nyx for him to clean. Taking the bandages laid out on the bed, he wrapped his right arm up which had a light scratch.

Taking the coat, Nyx put it in the bathroom and soaked it in water, tapping his cheek as he looked at Isaac. "You missed some," He teased, changing the subject. "I went out and got yer sister a gift, she seems to like animals more than dolls."

Isaac paused briefly, without showing it on his face, he was a tiny bit jealous. "She seems likely to be an actual beast tamer if she wants to choose some animal over human." Isaac replied, taking off his shirt to apply some gauze to his chest which was stabbed.

"Yer really off today," Nyx noticed he had more bruises than normal. Applying the bandage, Isaac returned the medical supplies by throwing it at him. "Too many witnesses to use magic. The dead can't speak, but the living can. Perhaps I should of ripped out their throats and severed their hands."

Laughing, Nyx smiled. "Would of been a nice centerpiece for the house!" It didn't sound joking, but he was smiling so brightly. "More like something disgusting." He retorted.

Changing back to serious, Nyx stared up at Isaac. "Is it cause of yer eye?" He asked, the other boy didn't move, the two knew the truth behind his words. Although Isaac looked completely fine since the incident, he's been having to adjust to only having one eye, lowering his senses.

"It's going to stay this way forever." Isaac said, annoyed at what the doctor told him. His eye was now blind, she shoved the stick in so deep it had completely blinded. Even healing magic wouldn't help after so long, but he refused to tell the Duke. No one had to know, not even his mother.

All others had to know what his eye was to recover after a few months. By then, he'd be adjusted and ready to reveal the truth. Letting his guard down now would cause trouble. "There's barely a month until heading the capital, yer gonna need to learn immediately if ya wanna protect her." Nyx said the obvious.

Isaac had a lot of pride, clenching his fists. One month was more than enough for him, he was an Argyris, a monster since birth. "I took an oath."

Hearing this from Nyx, he turned to the taller male. "I told ya way back then, future duke, even if it was a child's promise." Nyx walked to the balcony, leaning and looking down.

"I wanna work with ya to ensure yer the next duke. That still stays true, even if yer unable to see through one eye." Isaac joined him, staring at the city life.

There were barely any people and they lived in misery. There were many nice parts to the city, but the dangers that lurked could not be described. Each sibling ruled over a certain part of the duchy, upon a certain age. They would have to qualify, and be included in the fight for inheritance.

Those who failed to rule over it were disqualified. Anyone can do whatever they wanted, as long as a population of at least one still stayed, and you didn't murder or punish anyone from a part of a territory you didn't oversee.

Staring down at his city, Isaac felt almost nothing but disgust for the people within it. "Even if I had to drag you to hell by my bare hands you are staying with me, Nyx."

Laughing, the taller male patted him on the back. "Let's head on in, yer hearts the only thing which should be cold. I promised ya and Lady Cyrille that she's safe with me, so if needed, i'll use my magic for ya."