A Test From Above

With an arrow to counter the one thrown, a disgruntled voice yelled out. "I don't recall this being anyone's prey other than my own." Nyx emerged, panting and arm covered in blood from being clawed, pointing it towards the tail of the beast which already had an arrow wedged into its fur, a grin forming on his face.

"Sorry, got distracted," he turned to the blonde cockily. "I figured you'd prefer me getting first touch on this rather than trying to continue." He explained, the reason why the Duke was able to chase after him was due to this, a midway distraction. True to his word, the man didn't go after the beast, but neither did the other two as the main character of the hunt had awakened.

The beast had gone docile and stopped growling the second she stared at it as she still comprehended what was happening as she woke up. There was something on her cheek running down, a monstrous beast in front of her eyes, and out of the corner she could see the yelling Nyx panting and covered in blood that seemed like his own.

It wasn't like anything she'd seen before, a bit to her disappointment. She wanted to see the white tiger that appeared in her dreams a few times before but this was equally as scary, but somehow beautiful. It may be her new body and magic as a beast tamer, but she begun holding out her arms, Isaac tried moving back only for the beast to easily appear before her, lowering it's head.

Or rather, it's multiple heads, a total of three. A giant deer like creature with a red body, she'd really have to get used to being in a fantasy world. The off putting thing was how it wore the bones of what look like other deer, their skulls as masks, almost as though they were prizes.

The thought intrigued her as she pet the antler gently, it was much harder than she anticipated. It felt warm as it growled, the being ten times her father's size were submitting to her presence and allowing her to do as it pleased. Still holding her tight, Isaac watched wearily as the beast licked off the blood, ready to kill it if it attempted to bite her.

As though accepting its fate, there was no struggle when Nyx pulled out a dagger, jumping onto its back, running it across as he made it to the head, she watched the ease he had with not even a twinge of disgust despite petting it moments ago.

"Not sure if this is because she's a beast tamer, but don't you think this is a bit crazy?" Nyx asked, wiping what spilt off of him and going for the heart, she felt oddly relieved on its behalf, she knew that this was the best outcome for everyone.

It was like she could communicate without words, from an unexplained frenzy to this state of rest to come easily the disgust in her never rose but instead she remained calm, she wanted to be a villainess anyways. She expected to have to toughen herself up, or maybe she had at some point without realizing, when was that? If she really could communicate to them without speaking, she'd of preferred an answer rather than this feeling, but that would probably take time.

"Compared to earlier, it's not fighting at all, whatever." Nyx muttered, finishing it off. Something compelled her to do so, but she kept reaching down towards the corpse that Isaac begrudgingly brought her closer as she called out for the first time in forever. "Bubu!"

She didn't care about the beast's breathing or the scene she'd normally never want to see in her past life, instead she went for the skull the second head wore, a few feet away from her. Clutching it to her chest, she wanted to keep it. It was odd at first to watch it accept its fate, but she knew just from her gut that this was what they wanted, regardless of whether she agreed with the outcome. She had no idea just what being a beast tamer entailed, and how it could control her emotions before she could even think, but the Duke had been more than satisfied as he clapped.

"I'll recognize this victory as I've gotten what I've needed." He said, running a hand through his hair as he tried to contain his eagerness at what had just happened. Heading back on his horse, this was much more successful than he hoped.

There was zero presence to the beast and it could of definitely been an issue to both children, and yet it immediately submitted to her without any orders whatsoever. He could already figure why it were angered in the first place and why it chose to appear. Forget being a beast tamer like her grandparents, her affinity was likely greater than anything they'd ever been in their lives.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Isaac glanced back at him, only to turn back to the beast. "The knights should be coming soon, let's cross the gate before they come." She had remembered that she had fallen asleep and ill earlier, but woke up. She wasn't sure how long it'd been, but Isaac looked extremely worn out and in pain as he kept pinching himself to stay conscious.

As Nyx offered his prey to Isaac, the redhead picked her up and helped Isaac with it, since he was the only one of the two with a horse at the moment, the other king forgotten. She wondered herself how her emotions and feelings towards these monsters could change so quickly, but had little time for self reflection as her hair stood on end.

The same feeling she felt earlier had crept up on her. When she was asleep she had a strong force trying to wake her, and before she knew it she couldn't feel anything from the sickness prior and found herself gazing at the biggest catch that year. She tried looking around but couldn't see anything other than her brothers silently celebrating to themselves.

From afar up in the trees a beast with white fur watched, eyes locked onto the blue haired girl and her expression towards the beast, along with her reaction. The time to meet was soon, perhaps moments apart, he had found the one he would dedicate himself to as he believed she had what it took after passing his test with the beast he laid there to die.