A Talk of Secrets

Despite coming home late and taking care of the sanctuary afterwards, she couldn't fall asleep. Her mind kept replaying the thoughts of the tea party and how she'd been tricked by Rosalyn who she thought she could read.

Her excitement wasn't out of kindness or having a dress up doll, she must have other ambitions so why? Flopping down next to the large hound beside her, she gently pet it and spoke her frustrations to it, just needing to vent, at some point convinced she'd gone mad.

"I'm sure the prince had white hair not black, there's only two things I can think of!" She huffed while the beast twice her size laid its head on her lap, staring up at her. The first thought was plain and simple, that was not the third prince in general, it had to be someone else or a decoy Rosalyn maybe hired in a short timespan, she didn't think the third prince could attend a tea party on short notice, could he?

The second thought was a bit more difficult to gather proof on. He was using some sort of transformation magic to keep his hair color black rather than white while he lives in the castle. Though it was plausible, it was impossible to prove at the moment. The novel mentioned that his mother was an idiot who'd do anything for power, she was a mere nobody that wanted status. She could find it believable she hired someone to keep his hair black to prevent more rumours.

The only issue is that she believed the public knew he was ominous with white hair already by the time the novel took place, something was happening between now and the beginning, but surely that would be the only plot twist thrown her way so far, she hoped. Head swirling with thoughts, she tried to focus on why.

If Rosalyn had been in on it, was the boy also aware? Or rather, was it just between her and his mother? She could already piece together that she'd contact his mother in secret with an offer just so she could toy with an idiot, but how did she convince the Duke to support the third prince? As long as she wouldn't be engaged to him, she couldn't care less if that supported him, actually.

Calming herself, she thought it through, there's absolutely no way that supporting the third prince meant she'd have to be engaged to him, anyways. Finding some sort of solace she finally felt enough resolve to return to her room, patting the dog's head and locking up for the night leaning all the beasts. She shouldn't worry about what ifs that would never happen.

As night became quieter and darker, in the gardens were a total of three people, all with a serious look on their faces. Nyx Argyris, Zenon Argyris, Rosalyn Argyris. "It's such a shame brother Isaac couldn't attend." She smiled, fanning herself, on the opposite side of the gazebo, glancing towards Nyx.

"It really is a shame, I apologize on his behalf but he is settling things that are much more complex than you'd understand." He returned the favor of the smile, foot against one of the pillars with his arms folded.

In the middle resided the second som, chuckling. "Why don't we refrain from fighting before father arrives." He asked, running a hand through his hair as on cue, the Duke appeared as all three bowed from where they were. He was the only one to take a seat beginning the discussion that evening.

"So, why was I called here?" He questioned, arm resting on the table and chin on his palm, pulling out his pipe as Rosalyn reviewed what had happened throughout the day regarding the third prince and their interactions. His face was stoic and revealed nothing, but he allowed her to continue without interruption to the end, he must of been satisfied they thought.

Nodding, Nyx confirmed her story about what had happened, including the scene where he had beat a boy nearly half to death after dragging him elsewhere, just in case the Duke were to find that out later on his own, he'd been forewarned of what he'd done.

He didn't seem too angry about it, though they could never tell what he was thinking. Instead he turned his attention to Zenon, who bowed again, pulling out a letter from his coat he handed over to the Duke. "I've retrieved what father has asked for." It was lightly dabbed with perfume and looked quite pristine besides a single crease fold.

A letter was all he needed to confirm it later on if anything arose. She was stupid enough to scent it and sign her name at the bottom just because she was asked to do so, she really was an easy scapegoat.

"Did you do it?" The Duke asked, a simple question as the second son nodded, pulling out an empty bag that was once filled to the brim with money. She really was quite the extravagant fool. "She did not question a single thing, father."

The four continued their discussion for a little while longer before dispersing, all of them going separate ways. They all had different motives, but had a single common goal of helping the third prince, for now. If necessary, they'd simply drop him in a matter of seconds.

Returning to Cyrille's side of the estate, he masses sure to check on Theia first to ensure she was asleep in her room again and not at the sanctuary. Peeking into her room, he stared at her before thinking about how she could sleep so blissfully unaware.

Maybe Isaac was right to not tell her yet, or it could just be his selfishness. Regardless, he followed his decision. She'd grown up quite a bit and was as mature as any other Argyris, but both him and Isaac just saw her as a tiny baby still. Walking back out, he decided to just crash and sleep in Isaac's room, not like he'd be returning for awhile while dealing with the Elyas family.