"Eh?! And where do you think you're going young miss Ammiel?!", the girl turned to her mother and gave her an awkward smile.

"Oh, umm, well you see I...ummm..need to buy a book mom", the girl can't help but look somewhere else except to her mother's serious face. Pushing her eyeglass up with her finger on the process.

She can feel her eyes glaring daggers at her head as she tried her best to meet her eyes again. "Remember the story that I read when I was just 16? the 'The Villain is Secretly In Love with me' ? The one I've waited for a long time for the second book to be published? Well, it was finally published today and I want to buy a copy before it runs out. Please! It's my birthday today mom, just this once"

Her mother looked at the wall clock hanging beside the door and at the window before looking at her daughter's face. Her eyes looked at her like a puppy waiting for a treat. She sighed before shaking her head.

"Just this once", the girl quickly jumped in joy after hearing her mother's approval as she soon ran to her and give her a big hug before putting her shoes and getting ready to head out.

"Be careful on your way and come back as soon as possible. Just buy the book and come back home for dinner. We can't eat the food we've prepared for your 18th birthday without you, the birthday girl ", the girl nodded and smiled to her again before opening the door and happily skipping out.

"And don't ever wear your headphones while crossing the street!", she looked back and shouted before opening the gate.

"Yup! Love you!"

"Love you too!"

A few minutes passed and she finally arrived at the bookstore, there are still a few people in there browsing some books.

She walked towards a familiar corner and a bright smile appeared on her face after spotting the book she've been wanting for years to be published.

She hugged the book and walked towards the cashier to pay for it. After that, she took her phone and texted her mother saying she's on her way home. But before she can turn her phone off, a new notification pop out.

She clicked it and it was a new music video of her favorite band. She turned on her wireless headphones and started to listen to it while walking, both her hands are now holding her phone and the book she just bought.

She was so immersed to the song that when she looked at her surroundings, it was too late.

'And don't ever wear your headphones while crossing the street!', her mother's warning rang to her head as she felt her body slammed to the street floor after being hit with a big truck.

She can head people's murmurs and a crowd gathering in front of her. Everything hurts and she can feel her head covered in a lot of liquid. Her own blood.

She can't open her eyes, and as she slowly drifted to the darkness, her mind just blanked out.