"How did that just happen?!"

Anchora laughed upon seeing the girl's silly face again. "Haha, this…this earring is actually considered a holy item. I don't really know how it ended up belonging to you, what a coincidence"

"Why is it a coincidence?", Anchora smiled at the girl, her face showing gentleness as felt nostalgic after seeing something that she haven't seen for centuries now.

"This is the Staff of Light. My staff that I bestowed to the very first saintess"
"You mean the saintess who like devided the continent into 2?!"

"Yes, that saintess. She used it before but when she came back to me this was left to the priests. So I don't know how it ended up with you", Eleanor looked at the staff as Anchora handed it to her. The silver earring is now a golden staff. The blue gem on her earring is now on the top of the staff with feathers adoring it like wings and little feathers dangling as its design.

"This staff can help you upgrade, like strengthen your shields and help you cure curses", Anchora informed.

"Wow, that's cool…How did that end up with me…But wait, you said you only know Eleanor after I possessed her body. You said you know everyone who's living in this world except THAT person"

"Now that's another problem", in a snap of finger a thick, like very thick book came out of nowhere. But when Anchora opened it, Eli gasped as she saw burn marks. "This is my book of records where information about people is listed. But, days after THAT person arrived here, the book suddenly got damaged, and unfortunately, Eleanor's page was destroyed. The day when I brought you here, I tried to find a body for you, and on that exact same time, Eleanor died due to falling from the roof. I didn't bring her back to life because, her soul is VERY tired, she wants to rest, and thus, I put you in her body. But when I tried finding her record, that's when I found out that her record is one of the records that were destroyed"

Eli felt sympathy. Poor Eleanor.

"So you don't know her parents or anyone related to her", Anchora shook her head. She might be a goddess but only on the novel, so she also had flaws.

"Okay, let's go back to the topic. You said you want me to train", the goddess nodded. "That staff you're holding can also help you in physical battle, so I want you to train here for awhile. Train your abilities and your physical strength/ ability"

Eleanor looked at the staff. Once she accepts this training, she really WON'T be able to back down ever.


She breathe in…


…and out.

"Okay whatever. Please take care of me ma'am"

"Okay, but, before we start, want to check on those people? I mean the young man and the alchemist, they're worried about you"

Eli looked at the goddess before nodding. "Just a peek?"

"Just a peek"

Slowly opening her eyes, what welcomed Eli are a pair of black eyes. Her eyes are still a bit blurry and she can feel how sore her body is.

'It must've been because I'm lying down for quite some time, how many hours or days has it been for it to be sore like this?'

She tried moving any part of her body but she only succeeded in blinking her eyes. Things started becoming clear, and finally she was able to see Ren's face clearly.

Her ears are still ringing so even though his mouth is moving like he's saying something, she can't help but stare at him blankly, not knowing what he's saying at all.

He looks worried and kinda antsy. She needs to calm him down somehow. She tried moving her hands and fortunately she was able to move them. Slowly she reached out and cupped Ren's face, he even flinched a bit but he still calmed down a little after feeling her hands slowly caressing his face.

She smiled at him as he started talking again but then a yawn escaped from her mouth, and it looks like Ren noticed this as he started to panic again. Her eyes started to slowly close again.

'Looks like I'm going back to the goddess' realm again'

And with that she closed her eyes again. She opened them and she's back to the goddess' realm. "So, everything okay?"

"Me waking up brought him relief but me going back to sleep again made his anxiety come back all over again", she grumbled. Anchora sighed as she bowed her head a bit.

"I'm sorry child, that's the extent I can give you or else I won't have the strength to pull you back here again and train you in my realm", Eli nodded at her, understanding her situation.

"It's okay. For now, I should focus on training. I don't want to be a character that only relies on others to protect her. I want to be able to at least keep myself safe, this is my second chance to live as well and I don't want to die without achieving any of my dreams, and in order for me to do that, I have to survive this chaotic world and thus need to receive training from you"

Seeing Eleanor's determined face, Anchora nodded in approval. "Okay, so let's start!"

Fall is about to end. Winter is coming. It's been a few months, 3 months to be exact, since Eli opened her eyes briefly and since Daniel, the head of the Imperial Wizards who came to investigate the monster attack in Lor Forest, finally found his long lost best friend.

Ren was still helping Meridia with the potion for the Duke of Donati, he's also constantly visits Eli, who is still sleeping. Daniel on the other hand was still conducting the investigation. They're having a hard time attaining data because monsters were not seen on that forest ever since the mud monsters were defeated by Ren.

He also started visiting Eli as much as he can when he have time. "Hey Eli, still asleep? When will you wake up? So far, nothing unusual happened throughout the whole fall season, well, except for one. Recently, a holy object was dug on the mountain where the mansion of Marquis Perye is"

Ren looked at the girl's peaceful face. He then started explaning things about Holy objects to her.

"You know..Holy objects are things that can only be found once. They're things that no one knows what the purposes are or how to use them. Something unique/ rare. They're like peculiar things, or unknown things that never existed or was never seen in the whole world even before for simpler explanation. Now, the difference between Holy Objects and Holy Items is that Holy Objects are things that doesn't exist or can never be found in this world, while Holy Items are things that are bestowed by the goddess, most of them are used or bestowed to the saintesses. And know what? One of them are found near the mansion of the Marquis. They stored it on his mansion and called Priests that checked on the thing that they found. And so far, it is indeed a Holy Object"

"Why are you discussing things to a sleeping person?"

Ren look at the now opened door and saw a boy with familiar hazel brown hair and forest green eyes who's been visiting Eleanor frequently walking inside her room, gently shutting the door close again.

Daniel placed the flowers he had on the vase that was on top of Eli's table after removing the old ones and replacing the water. He then came close to the bed where the girl is resting, patting her head soothingly.

"I'm here again Eli. You're still not awake. When are you going to?", Daniel continued to smile to the girl as Ren stayed quiet as he secretly stroke one of Eli's hand that he's been holding since earlier. It became a habit of his to hold one of her hands whenever he visits her.

The two of them remained quiet when a knock was heard on the door. It opened and Meridia came in with a smile on her face. "It's ready!", she exclaimed. The two boys looked at her with confuse faces. "What is?"

She looked at Ren who's the one who asked and smirked, "The Tracking Potion"

"So how does the potion works?", now inside the lab are Ren and Meridia. Daniel was left back on Eli's room.

On top of the table are 10 bottles of the potion. Meridia took 1 and opened it. Inside is a liquid with blue-violet color. She brought out a bowl and pour a bit of the potion into it. She closed the potion and took out a knife.

"Master?!", alarmed, Ren held her hand, stopping her from slashing the knife on her arm. "We need to test it out first in order to see if it was really a success. Only then can we tell it to the duke", Ren slowly released Meridia as she slashed her arm a bit, drops of blood dripped in the bowl where the potion is.

Smoke started to come out from the bowl. Meridia then inched closer and whispered something on the smoke. The smoke soon started going out of the room. The 2 followed it and ended up on a familiar room.

They opened the door. "What are you….what the heck is that?!", Daniel who was calmly sitting beside Eli's bed suddenly stood up alarmed after seeing the smoke. It slowly encircled him for at least 5 times before it vanished.

"It's a success", Meridia smiled. "What the h*ll just happened?", Daniel grumbled. "It is the tracking potion we were making, we made a test drive and it was a success", Daniel nodded a bit. People know that the alchemist, together with Eli and Ren, are making a new potion…a tracking potion, but no one except Meridia, Ren, Eli, the young duke, and the duke himself knows that it is requested by the duke of Donati.

The alchemist and her assistant came back to the lab as she explained everything to him. "First, took out some potion, pour some of it in a basin and add your blood. Through that, the potion will be able to know who the seeker is. Then, when the smoke comes out, whisper the name or any clue about the person you're finding, the one you're seeking. Then the smoke will lead you to them. The smoke will last until it was able to find that person, just like how I tried finding the most powerful wizard present in this building right now, which is Daniel"

Ren nodded, understanding everything while finishing his notes about the potion. "It's not that similar to what he ordered, it's better since you can find not just anyone related to you by blood but anyone you want to find. Well then master, should we inform the duke now?", the woman nodded her head and proceeded to make a letter on her office. After sealing the letter properly, she then looked at Ren waiting for her in one of the couches in her office.

"I trust that you'll be able to deliver it to the post office on the market safely", Ren held the letter and nodded. He then went out as Meridia sat back down to her chair.

She looked at the sky and noticed clouds forming in the sky. "Looks like it's about to rain", and a few minutes after she said that, rain poured down.

The peaceful sound of the rain falling down from the sky made Meridia's mind relaxed, but that peace was suddenly broken when she heard commotion on the city.

The door opened and came in is Daniel. "Monsters! Monsters are spotted in the main city market, we need to evacuate people", he quickly informed her. But before leaving Meridia told him one more thing. "Mr. Wizard, my assistant, he's in the market. I sent him for an errand earlier"

Daniel nodded at her, "I'll make sure he's safe too…since well umm, he's also Eli's friend"

After Daniel left, Meridia immediately took some of the potions that she stored, including all of her tracking potion. She also grabbed and wore a cloak as she went to where Eleanor's room is. She can hear the screams and horrible noises coming outside. She looked at the girl still peacefully sleeping despite the chaos, she held her hands and waited, that's all she can do for now, wait and be alert.

This girl is someone her friend, Historia, treasures a lot. When she received a message that Eleanor will be sent to her as her assistant, she already know that there must be a purpose why Historia sent her. And she's right. The girl has unknown abilities that she never heard of, and her friend asked her to take care of her and help her research about her unique ability. After spending time with this girl…the girl whom she only saw as Historia's special person also became one of hers. And so, without even noticing it, she started treating her like her own daughter.

She caressed the girl's head for a bit when she heard screams again, but this time, it was not from the market, it was closer to them than before. Screams and noises started coming closer and closer to where they are.

She stood up from the chair and peeked on the window, there she saw a horrible sight. Fire. Fire is spreading across the whole academy. Alchemists are trying to stop the fire from spreading together with some knights, but, something else was added to their problems.

Reflected on Meridia's eyes are monsters, burning/ flaming monsters that even water from the rain can't extinguish it. "Goddess Anchora, please help us"

"What the heck are these monsters?! Their fire won't extinguish no matter how much water is being poured on them!"

Daniel clenched his teeth, he then cast another spell, this time it's an attack spell, but it was surprisingly burned by the fire from the monster's body. "Eek!", one wizard flinched.

"Are the civilians being evacuated while we were distracting these monsters?", Daniel shouted. "Yes sir!", one of the wizards said. The Imperial Wizards with some assistance from some knights and alchemists are right now distracting the monsters while the others are evacuating citizens in a safer place.

An explosion caught not only their attention but also the monsters'. A wounded knight then came running towards them. "Sir, a lot more monsters have appeared and is now attacking the alchemists on the school", Daniel was about to command some people to go there when he remembered something.

His face paled in an instant, and as fast as he can, he shouted a command. "I'll take some men with me. The rest of you, lure these monsters on the school so we can get rid of them all at once", and he then rushed towards the academy.

While running, he came across someone who he's been trying to find since earlier. Ren who's also as wet as the others are due to the rain ran side by side with Daniel. No one said a word but the both of them just stayed focus onto arriving as fast as they can into the same place. The academy.

Entering the academy, the rest were ordered to evacuate remaining students. And the 2 ran towards the familiar building where they came from just earlier. But they instantly stopped from their tracks, frozen in shock, when in a split second, the building where they're supposed to go exploded right in front of their eyes.


"Wha!", Anchora look towards Eli after hearing something falling. What she saw caused her eyes to widen and her legs to run towards a girl in an instant.

"W-what is happening?", anxiety arose inside Eli as she saw her legs have gone transparent. She can't even feel them anymore. The goddess helped the girl sit on a chair as she looked at her body. Her arms are also starting to turn transparent now.

"Eleanor look at me", the girl looked at the goddess' eyes. "This is the limit. Your body can no longer hold on and at the same time, looks like my powers can't hold on as well. We need to get you back to your body before you started turning completely transparent, or else you'll disappear! Now listen to my instructions. I won't be able to call you here for the meantime so listen carefully. You trained hard enough but you still need to be alert okay? You don't know how THAT person will move from now on so stay alert. The Staff of Light will be of help to you but make sure not to push yourself hard. Don't expect things to turn out like how they are in the novel anymore, so please be as open-minded as possible"

Eli continued to nod her head. "And Eleanor….", Anchora cupped the girl's face and with a smile, "…Ammiel, thank you for deciding to help me. Be well my child"

Eli opened her eyes slowly. Everything was still blurry and her ears are ringing again. She tried adjusting her eyesight and her hearing for a bit more, and what she heard first are screams.

Her eyes widen the more she hears things. When her eyesight finally became normal she immediately saw Meridia horridly looking at the window.

"M-master?", she caught the alchemist's attention who then rushed to her and tackled her into a hug. "Thank goddess you're finally awake", she hug the older woman back. They then heard commotion outside their room, noises were coming from the hallway where they're in.

Meridia immediately helped Eli to her feet, opening her drawers and pulling out a cloak and a pair of flat shoes. "Wear this, we need to get out of here", Eli immediately wore the shoes while Meridia helped her wear the cloak at the same time, putting the hood onto her head while she's at it. The noises are getting closer.

The alchemist pull out a potion from many of the secret pockets her cloak has. She opened it and poured some green liquid in a vine outside the window. The vine slowly became longer until it finally reached the ground. She used a potion made by her that can lengthen anything.

"Let's climb down right now!", Eleanor's adrenaline kicked in after seeing the walls started to burn. She followed Meridia and climbed down the vine. They're almost on the ground when she heard Meridia grasp. "Oh no…", she then felt the alchemist grabbed her hand and pulled her to the ground with them both landing on their butts. Meridia then looked everywhere and opened a potion. She then pulled Eli beside a stone and poured some red liquid on the stone, enlarging it in a split second.

She then pulled Eli behind the gigantic rock and both of them crouched down, the only thing protecting them is a rock from an explosion, Meridia then pulled Eleanor in a hug on a split second as they felt the impact of the explosion.