Chapter 10

When Robin moved in closer to Luca's body he gave her a gentle shove back.

"No, not so close. You should keep a little space between you and your dance partner."

"That's not the way Seth showed me, he said it was important to get as close as you can."

Luca's jaw twitched.

"Oh, I'll just bet he did."

Hearing this made him angry, knowing the punk was only trying to get close to seduce her, he would have to have another word with him.

"Now one hand goes on my shoulder, the other one rests in my hand. That's it, you're doing good, don't look down. Close your eyes," he instructed her.

"If I do that I won't be able to see what I'm doing." she looked at him, terrified that she would step on his feet.

"Trust me, close your eyes. Good, now feel the music, let it go through you. Sway to the beat and follow my movements, let me guide you."

She opened her eyes, a wicked little grin appeared and she pressed into him, so close you wouldn't have been able to slip a piece of paper between them.

"I like being this close, feels so much better." She felt his arousal and heard him groan.

"You little temptress you, you're trying to seduce me into giving you what you want."

He suddenly turned her around so that he was behind her, putting one arm around her waist, his hand moved her hair over to the side and he placed his lips on her neck.

"Who's trying to seduce who?" she said and moaned when he nipped at her tender flesh and felt his hand going down the front of her dress. His hand was firm as he went in her bra, cupping her breast.

"Luca," she cried out softly. All he had to do was kiss her neck and she was putty in his hands.

He backed her up and against the wall. Moving his hand up her leg till he reached her panties, he slipped his fingers inside till he was able to touch her. He hadn't dared to go this far before and when one finger went inside her she was wet.

This got him so hot and his member grew hard and with her breathy pants, the way she dug her nails into his shoulders and moaned he knew if he didn't stop now he wouldn't be able to.

Pulling out and pressing against her who was still up against the wall, he rested the palms of his hands on the wall. She was trapped between his arms, his face buried in the crook of her neck. He tried to slow his breathing down, his dick still pressing against her.

"What's happening to me? whenever I am near you I forget everything and lose control. What is this power you've got over me and why can't I resist you?"

"Then don't fight it, take me, Luca. My body is aching for your touch, to be made love to."

Grabbing a handful of his hair drew his face up to hers and kissed him hard and felt him responding as his mouth took control over hers.

Hearing footsteps approaching Luca pulled away, both looking flushed and out of breath when the butler walked in.

"Miss Grazia requires your presence in the family room Sir. Her guest has arrived and would like for you to join them."

"We'll be right there," Luca barked. Turning back to Robin, his eyes full of lust.

When they were alone he took Robin's hand.

"That was too close, we must control ourselves from now on."

Grazia and Filippo were there along with Eleonora Gallo.

"Eleonora, you are here early. I didn't think you were coming till later on in the week," Luca said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Robin felt a cold chill run down her spine when she saw the woman. She was thin with long black hair. Her skin a beautiful shade of bronze, a real beauty. When she walked over and kissed him on both cheeks Robin felt the first pang of jealously race through her veins like a raging river and wanted to scratch her eyes out.

"I decided to come early, I missed you all so much." She looked at Robin, her eyes narrowed. "This must be the one you've chosen as your wife. She is too young for you Luca. She lacks grace and class."

"Yes, Eleonora meet Robin Potter," Luca said, squeezing her hand. "You will not insult her nor will you treat her disrespectfully."

"Robin, that's a silly name for a person, why that's a name of a bird, a tiny frail creature."

"Trust me, Eleonora, she is not frail and again I'll say it, I expect you to treat her with respect while you are in my home. Now I believe dinner is served, shall we go in." Taking Robin's hand they all entered the dining room.

Dinner conversation was mainly between Grazia and Eleonora, Filippo jumped in every once in awhile. Of course, Grazia had to stir the pot.

"Remember when the four of us went to the island up north for that week in July." She laughed and looked at Robin. "Luca and Eleonora went missing for two days."

"Grazia, keep your damn mouth shut," Luca barked.

He did not want to be reminded of that time, it was the worst experience he'd ever had with a woman. What made things more awkward was she expected they would become a couple.

"Oh come now cousin dear, if it's Robin you're worried about she's a big girl and knows you had a life before she came along. Anyways we found them in a motel room, it was quite embarrassing when we caught them in bed together."

Tears sprang to Robin's eyes, laying down her napkin she stood.

"Excuse me, I'm not feeling well, I need to lay down." She fled the room before anyone could say another word.

Giving the two women an angry glare he followed Robin out, catching up to her just as she reached her room.

"Go away Luca, I don't want to talk to you right now."

Walking into her room went to shut the door on him but he pushed it open and stepping in slammed it behind him.

"You are angry," he said, moving closer to her but she backed away.

"I'm hurt, I know I shouldn't be but you slept with her."

"That was a long time ago, it meant nothing to me. You have no reason to be jealous of her, I can not stand the woman." Reaching over he grabbed her arm.

"Do not let what those two women say bother you."

"Eleonora still wants you, I can see it in the way she looks at you. You say you can't stand her but I wonder if she'll be in your bed while she is here. She's not a virgin so what's stopping you from sleeping with her?"

She knew she was behaving like a jealous fool, with her pouting lips and her childish words.

"You are what's stopping me, I only want you and before you say it we are waiting."

Releasing her he walked over to the window and looked out at the night sky. A storm was coming, streaks of lightening lit the sky.

"I wish you would try and understand why I want to wait and that I will not sleep with Eleonora, it's not her I want. I wish you would just trust me."

"Then make me understand Luca."

"I respect you, Robin, enough to make you my wife. If I didn't I'd have fucked you the first night I brought you here. But I do not want to just fuck you, I want to make love to you. So to show my respect to you I will wait, even though I am finding it hard not to. So I beg you, please stop tempting me with your body."

Robin bites her lip.

"I get so jealous when I hear about you and other women, and with Eleonora here, under the same roof with you I can't help but feel she will find her way into your bed. You did spend that time with her and you made love to her."

"I did not make love to her, I fucked her, there is a difference. It was like doing it with a piece of driftwood, boring and unmoving. There was no warmth, no feelings and she was cold as ice. You need not worry about her, now come to me, I want to kiss you."

Lifting her head and giving him a defiant stare shook her head.

"No. You will only kiss me, your hands will touch me and I'll get so worked up and then you'll stop, leaving me wanting more. If you insist on waiting till we are married then no more fooling around till then."

He started walking closer and smirked when she backed up.

"Do you think you can stop me if I want to kiss you? I think not my little bird."

She went running but he caught her from behind, his strong arms held her as she struggled to break free. His mouth went to the back of her neck, moving around and over her shoulders.

"Do not fight it, you will lose."

"Oh, you are so arrogant," she squealed when he found the sweet spot on her neck. He knew just where to suck that made her weak in the knees and melt into him.

Turning her around he cupped the back of her head and kissed her so hard it took her breath away. Moaning she wrapped her arms around his neck and felt his hardness when he placed his hand on her ass, pushing her tight against him.

"See my little bird, I always get what I want, you can't resist me."

He let her go, leaving her breathing hard he walked to the door and opened it. Before leaving he turned to look at her, a smirk on his face.

"Night Robin."

As he walked out he heard her curse as one of her shoes hit the wall next his head. He only chuckled and left the room.

She wanted to slap that smug look off his face, his gorgeous chiseled face. Why did he have to be so damn handsome and why did she have to melt whenever he was close. Just because she was a virgin she wasn't stupid and knew what she was feeling was sexual frustration.

Putting on her nightgown and climbing into bed vowed she would not fall for his charms or let his kiss's sway her anymore.

It was about time she played hard to get, let him beg for it, two can play this game she thought to herself just as she fell asleep.