Chapter 20

There was tension between them during the ride to the hotel where Luca had booked them into for a two-week stay. Robin knew she had disappointed him, as well as herself.

Her heart did a flip when she looked over at him, he was so handsome and so serious as he maneuvered his car through the busy street, swaying slightly to avoid a dog that darted across the street in front of them.

"Luca," she said timidly.


"Are you still mad at me," asking though she knew the answer.

"Mad? no, but I am disappointed. I feel you are not ready to take the next step in our relationship so I will wait until you are. In the meantime, I shall show you the sights, take you to the opera and ballet. I'm sure you will enjoy them," he said and placed his hand on her knee but removed it quickly when he felt a spark of desire run through his veins.

Damn, why does this woman have such an affect on me?

Robin was in shock when they pulled up to the most elegant hotel she could have imagined. It was something like you'd see in the movies.

A valet greeted them to park the car and a hotel staff member was there to carry their bags in. The doorman smiled as he opened the door for them.

She stood next to Luca while he took care of booking them in. She spotted a small dog and not thinking walked over to it and the owner. She didn't really notice the owner and squatting down petted the puppy.

"My you are so adorable, what's your name, little guy?"

The man chuckled.

" His name is Toby. He must like you, he doesn't often take to strangers right away. My name is Glen Travis."

Robin stood and flashed him a friendly smile as she kept petting the puppy.

"I'm Robin Potter," she snickered. "Well, it's Robin Mariani now."

"Married, what a shame," Glen said as he shook her hand.

"Your husband is a very lucky man. Have you been married long?"

"Since yesterday," she replied.

When Luca was done and found she wasn't by his side looked across the room and saw her talking to a young man, judging my his hair and skin color he guessed him to be American.

In his eyes, the two were being very friendly and he didn't like it, not one little bit. Walking over to them he put his arm around her waist, showing the stranger she was his.

"Who do we have here?" he said, his tone harsh.

"Luca, this is Glen Travis and his cocker spaniel Toby," she answered. She could tell he was upset by the way his jaw tightened and his bottom curled up.

"Our room is ready, let's go." Taking her arm and glaring at Glen didn't bother to speak to him.

In the elevator, she yanked her arm from his grip.

"You were terribly rude to that man," she said, making it clear that she was not happy with the way he behaved.

"You shouldn't have been talking to him in the first place."

"Excuse me?" she snapped.

"You heard me. You're my wife and I find you and some stranger flirting with each other, you're lucky I didn't break his bloody neck."

"Oh my God, what the hell is wrong with you? you are not only being overly jealous but too possessive. I'm not your property, you don't own me."

Out of anger, he said something he didn't mean, something he regretted the moment it slipped from his mouth.

"I actually do own you."

Turning to him, her face a dark shade of red and anger flashing with fury she was about to say something when the door to the elevator open and two ladies entered.

What she wanted to say would have to wait until they were behind closed doors.

They walked in total silence, Luca unlocked the door and once inside she turned to him, her hand raised she slapped him across the face.

"You bastard, you do not own me."

Giving him a shove she went to walk away but he grabbed her arm and she found herself pinned up against the wall.

"You are allowed one slap my little bird. God, you are so sexy when you are angry."

Looking at her neck and seeing the soft smooth skin he lowered his head, kissing as he held her hands above her head, his body pressed against hers. He felt her struggling, but seconds later stopped and she moaned.

Both breathing heavily she managed to free her hands and put her hands on his chest and managed to shove him back, their eyes locked.

She didn't know what got into her but she grabbed his tie and pulled him back and her mouth went to his mouth, her hands undid his tie and started undoing the buttons on his shirt while he quickly tore off his jacket.

Pulling apart from Robin he removed his shirt, then kicking off his shoes pulled down his pants. His eyes still locked on hers, watching as she licked her lips, chest heaving rapidly.

Turning her around so fast, making her gasp he slowly pulled the zipper on her dress down and lifting it over her head. With her still facing the wall he placed his lips on the back of her neck, his hands going around her he cupped her breasts in his hands.

Her palms on the wall moaned as he ran his thumb over the nipples.

"Luca," she cried out, loving the feel of him touching her, his hot breath on her neck.

She was turned to face him and he claimed her mouth, letting her know they belonged to him and no one else. Her bare breasts against his muscular chest felt as though they were on fire, as was the rest of her.

And when he placed his hand inside her panties and she felt a finger going between her womanly flesh and he started stroking inside her.

"You are so wet for me, I can not wait another minute."

Removing his finger he cupped her butt cheeks and hoisted her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist, forgetting all about their argument as he carried her into the bedroom and laid her down.

Before climbing in he slid down her panties and threw them to the floor. Climbing into bed he hovered over her, looking down into her eyes.

"Tonight I want to make you my woman."

He started off by savagely attacking her mouth, pushing his tongue between her lips traced it along the roof of her mouth, teasing her. Moving down her neck, stopping to suck and nibble as he moved slowly down. He felt her slender body squirming beneath the weight of him.

Meanwhile, while his mouth was busy with her breasts his hand went between her thighs, pleasuring her until she trembled and shook from an orgasm that hit her like a raging storm.

It got him so hard when she called out his name, her hips rocking against his hand. It was torture not taking his own release but he wanted her first time to be special, she needed to experience everything there was to making love, not just sex.

Robin thought she was losing her mind, he was a loving and generous lover but she wanted to feel what it would be like to have him inside her.

"Luca, make love to me," she moaned as she pressed further into him.

"Not yet little bird, now open your legs for me," he ordered as he moved his head down between them and almost laughed out loud when she shrieked.

"Relax my sweets, I told you once I before what I was going to do to you."

When he knew that neither one of them could hold back any longer he moved back up.

Perspiration dampened their bodies and he moved the hair from her face, telling her to open her eyes and look at him.

"I can't wait much longer to have you. This will hurt for a few minutes but I promise to make it as painless as I can. But first I have to ask, do you want me to continue? if not tell me, once I start I will not be able to stop."

Nodding she smiled up at him.

"I want this Luca, I want you."

With that being said he got out of bed and took off his briefs, she saw him for the first time. Biting her bottom lip she was a little shocked at the size of it, blushing she turned her head away.

Smiling he got back into bed, climbing on top.

"You do not have to be embarrassed or afraid."

"I'm not afraid," she said and pulled his head down to kiss him.

Shifting his position he lowered his head and took her mouth with a possession that made her moan. Embedding himself between her legs eased the tip of his manhood into her plump swollen womanly folds that were slick and moist.

He heard her cry out in pain when he thrust in deeper, breaking her barrier. His breathing ragged and choppy looked down into her face and saw a tear sliding down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry, the pain will pass and then it will feel good."

He felt terrible for hurting her but he couldn't stop now, he was so close. When she caressed his mouth with the tip of her tongue he felt a tremor go through him and knew by the way she was looking at him that she wanted him to keep going.

The muscles in his stomach tightened and he began thrusting in and out, showing her that he had every right to be there, her body belonged to him and him alone.

When she felt the blunt tip of his manhood sliding into her and felt only a few seconds of piercing pain she let out a yelp, a tear fell from her eye.

But as he moved slowly in and out, his mouth on hers as he kissed her the pain went away and an incredible pleasure took its place, she raised her hips and started moving to the beat of his thrusts.

Placing her hands on his chest she moaned as she felt the hot, velvety length of him thrusting harder and faster, going deeper. Sparks of light burst behind her eyes, like fireworks going off and she cried out his name when she felt her orgasm.

Then she knew he too found his own release when he let out a loud grunt and his thrusts were so hard and fast until he collapsed on top of her.

"Shit, that was amazing and you were fantastic, so wet and tight for me."

Not knowing if that being tight was a good thing she timidly said, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be tight."

Still, on top he laughed, thinking how innocent she was.

"No my little bird, that is a good thing. I am sorry that I hurt you. I also want to apologize for saying I own you, please forgive me."

"I forgive you Luca, but you really have to stop being so jealous and possessive. Am I not allowed to talk to another man?"

"You're right, I'll try to tone it down a little. It's not that I don't want you talking to men, it's just that you are so sweet and innocent and can't see that they are coming on to you."

When she saw the wicked smiled that crossed his face and felt him getting hard she smiled.

"What?" she asked.

"I'm going to make love to you again, and this time I will not take my time, I'm going to take you hard and fast. First, time was for you, this will be for me, you ok with that?"

"Would I be able to stop you? she asked and let out a squeal when he surged inside her and growled, NO.