Chapter 6 Someone from my own family

The strong in the Eastern Continent are respected, and they have always believed in the strong!

Looking at Feng Liuli once again, there is no contempt and ridicule in the past, some are just respect and awe for the strong!

While everyone was still horrified, Feng Liuli let go of Feng Dingchou.

The handsome and arrogant figure had already walked out of the dilapidated courtyard, leaving only the stunned crowd and the blushing Feng Dingchou.

"Feng Liuli, this old man will kill you one day to take revenge for my son!"

Feng Dingchou's angry face was filled with a vicious look, his eyes spread murderous as he looked at the place where Feng Liuli disappeared and shouted angrily.

The mysterious evil man glanced at Feng Dingchou who was full of anger on the ground, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and the black figure withdrew from the courtyard in a flash!

"Patriarch, someone from my family is here, and they said they are here to pick up Miss San back to their own house!"

Feng Liuli just left when a guard came in at the door and said respectfully to Feng Dingchou.

"What, why is this family coming at this time?"

Feng Dingchou's face was extremely ugly when she heard the guard's report.

I can't help but wonder, this Feng Liuli has stayed in Fengcheng for nine years and no one cares, why is this family suddenly coming!

What made him even more troubled was that Feng Liuli had just threatened to leave the Feng family. If this matter were known to the parents who came here, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The position of the head of this collateral family is indeed to come to an end!

"This disciple doesn't know either, but I heard that he is here to pick up the third young lady back to her home for the coming-of-age ceremony, so that she can marry the prince who has been engaged since childhood!" The

guard continued to bow his head respectfully.

"Prince, marriage, coming of age ceremony..."

Feng Dingchou frowned and muttered softly in his mouth, only after a while did he understand.

The thoughts in his eyes flowed, and a cold light flashed through his eyes, and he ordered to the guard.

"Go down and tell everyone to greet the elder at the door!"

"Yes, the head of the family!" On the

other side.

Feng Liuli walked out of Feng's house without the slightest nostalgia, and her heart suddenly felt so much more comfortable!

Looking up at the blue sky, with white clouds floating in the sky, I felt more happy and walked forward.

He turned into a small alley not far from Feng's house and stood still.

Different from the happy mood just now, Feng Liuli's body suddenly exuded a fierce icy aura, and dispersed towards the surroundings.

The cold voice said loudly to the empty alley.

"Aren't you tired from following me all the way, why don't you come down and rest together!"

The mysterious evil spirit man who had been following Feng Liuli raised a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

The bottom of her beautiful eyes like Liuli was extremely bright, and she fell in front of Feng Liuli as soon as she floated, smiling at Feng Liuli in front of her!

At the first sight of the fallen man, Feng Liuli's eyes flashed with surprise, how should the man in front of him describe it!

The meticulously carved facial features seem to be the best masterpieces in the sky, and they can't pick out the slightest flaw!

There are a pair of glass-like eyes on the extremely beautiful face, and in the flow, there are thousands of brilliance, as if they can understand everything in the world!

At this moment, he is walking at a lazy pace and gracefully falls in front of Feng Liuli!

The black robe made the man exude a mysterious dark atmosphere. The most attractive thing was that the man in front of him had a arrogant temperament that looked down on the world, evil and arrogant, but noble and extraordinary!

The domineering and cold arrogance that came out of her bones, as well as the strong sense of oppression brought by her body, made Feng Liuli feel vigilant in her heart.

Such a man made Feng Liuli feel too dangerous, and frowned slightly!

The cold eyes were on the glazed eyes of the mysterious evil man, and neither of them gave in half a point!

After a while, the man smiled wickedly: "What a thorny woman, but unfortunately her strength is too weak!" The

man glanced at Feng Liuli, shook his head, and suddenly looked at Feng Liuli and asked, "Do you want to make yourself even more powerful? How powerful?"

"Think!" Feng Liuli said without thinking, her icy body exuding an aura of wanting to become stronger.

"Okay, I didn't see it wrong!" The

man's smile widened, and his glass-like eyes stared at Feng Liuli and asked, "Do you dare to follow me to a place!

" Hesitantly, he looked at the man's eyes with incomparable arrogance.