Chapter 21 Strong Return

Feng Liuli's face turned cold, and she attacked Feng You's back again. The powerful spiritual power mixed with amazing methods made everyone in the surrounding audience tremble again.

"Feng Liuli, stop me, the outcome is already divided, stop me!" Feng Dingchou roared at the top of the ring.

However, Feng Liuli ignored Feng Dingchou's anger at all, and the evil smile on the corner of her mouth grew bigger and bigger.

He shouted coldly in his mouth, but the movements in his hands remained undiminished: "Your son didn't say he would admit defeat, and the outcome is still undecided!"

Feng Liuli raised an even more violent and fierce aura.

"Ah!" A

huge scream sounded, and Feng Liuli used ten layers of skill to cut off all of Feng You's ribs.

After closing her palms, Feng Liuli gave Feng You a cold look, and felt that it was not enough. The corner of her mouth curled slightly, and she raised a smile of interest. She raised her foot and put a foot on Feng You's body, kicking hard.

"Feng Liuli, how dare you!" Feng Dingchou was really angry, he shouted angrily at Feng Liuli, and his powerful aura was immediately released, attacking Feng Liuli.

Feng Dingchou's figure jumped and attacked Feng Liuli angrily, but just halfway through the flight, a huge black shadow smashed into the face, and the speed was fast.

Feng Dingchou could only stretch out his hand to catch it. When he saw who was caught in his arms, the blue and purple face was full of grief: "You'er, You'er wake up!

" Feng You had already passed out, her kneecaps were all cut off, and all the ribs on her upper body were also broken, she was dying.

Feng Dingchou saw that the only healthy son was also ruined like this, his dark and sad face was dyed with a huge rage, and he raised his eyes and shouted at Feng Liuli with monstrous anger.

"Feng Liuli, you paid my son's life, and I want to kill you!"

Huge anger hit, Feng Liuli looked at Feng Dingchou with a mocking smile in her eyes.

"What is the Feng family doing so angry? Liuli told the Feng family a month ago. Besides, there are always winners and losers in the battle of martial arts. If you lose, you must accept your fate!"

Feng Liuli took a step forward, and there was no fear on her face. The waist is straight, and the body naturally carries an aura of emperor that comes with fear, and a pair of dazzling eyes flashes with scorching brilliance.

She even emphasized the word "confess fate".

Arrogant and noble and extraordinary, she is clearly cold and refined, but a woman with a proud temperament still makes people unable to look away for a long time.

"Feng Liuli, you are despicable. You killed the disciples of the same sect's family twice. You were clearly a ninth rank of spiritual power, but you fought against a sixth rank of spiritual power. You had a plan!"

Feng Dingchou strongly suppressed the monstrous feeling in his heart. Anger, a pair of fire-breathing eyes stared at Feng Liuli, fierce and fierce.

"Patriarch Feng, don't forget, it's not me who took the challenge first, but your son Feng You!"

"Before the competition, everyone thought that I was just a waste who couldn't even gather spiritual energy, and your son was A genius boy with 6th rank of spiritual power!"

Feng Liuli opened her mouth, and Feng Dingchou was startled, deeply shocked, her gloomy face was filled with a hint of panic and awe.

Feng Liuli's words just reminded everyone.

The expressions of everyone in the venue changed even more. The disdainful eyes of Feng Liuli before turned to Feng Dingchou, and their eyes were full of mocking anger.

Feng Liuli's words were neither light nor serious, but they just happened to touch Feng Dingchou's weakness. Feng Dingchou wanted to control Feng Liuli, but at this moment Feng Liuli came to use his own way to treat others. body!

In this way, Feng Dingchou was restrained by Feng Liuli instead. The eyes of the entire venue looking at Feng Dingchou and Feng You suddenly changed.

The meaning of it is very clear, if it is a shame for a martial artist to say that Feng Liuli's ninth rank of spiritual power attacked Feng You, who only has six rank of spiritual power.

Then when Feng Liuli was still a waste, when even the spiritual energy could not gather, Feng You stood up to challenge Feng Liuli, wouldn't it be equally shameless!

The strong people in the Eastern Continent are respected, and martial arts practitioners have an absolutely lofty position in the eyes of the world. However, for the martial arts practitioners who behaved like Feng You and Feng Dingchou, there is only a strong sense of disdain and ridicule in the eyes of everyone.

Feng Dingchou's expression was gloomy and terrifying. Hearing the pressure from all directions, the anger surging around him frantically, his cold and fierce eyes full of murderous intent stared at Feng Liuli.

"I killed you!" Feng Dingchou seemed to have lost his mind, and there was only a deep anger in his eyes, a frenzy.

The momentum belonging to the ninth stage of spiritual power was also released, facing Feng Liuli.

Feng Liuli's complexion changed, and the powerful momentum revolved, which was not inferior to the strong pressure from Feng Dingchou, on the contrary, it was even more astonishing than the momentum on Feng Dingchou's body.

In the ninth rank of spiritual power against the ninth rank of spiritual power, Feng Liuli was even more arrogant.

"Genius, really genius, the third lady of the Feng family is so powerful!"

"Damn it, I'm afraid that even the old immortal, the head of the Feng family, is not a match for the third lady of Feng family, well done!"

"The fifteen-year-old The pinnacle of the ninth rank of spiritual power is so handsome, I have decided that Miss San will be my idol in the future!"

"Yes, learn like Miss Feng San!"

"Miss San Mighty!"

"Miss San Mighty!

" Came once.

When Feng Liuli's aura was released heavily, there were voices of admiration from the surroundings, all of them worshipping Feng Liuli.

There is no more ridicule and disdain of the past, some are just respect and admiration!

In the Eastern Continent, a world where the strong are respected, strength decides everything!

"Stop!" An angry shout sounded at the right time, followed by a dazzling white ray of light that hurriedly slashed Feng Dingchou's momentum.

"Today is the Fengcheng martial arts competition. Whoever dares to make a mistake will be severely punished!" A

heavy voice came, it was not someone else but Feng Tianmo on the podium.

Originally, Feng Tianmo was instigated by the father and son of Feng Dingchou and Feng You, and did not think about it carefully, thinking that everything was a problem with Feng Liuli, but at this moment, after this battle, Feng Tianmo changed his opinion.

And Feng Tianmo, after seeing Feng Liuli's strength, how could he let such a good seedling go, and he came here to take Feng Liuli away.

This marriage between the royal family and the Feng family cannot be mistaken.

"Five masters, Feng Liuli killed my two sons, and asked the fifth master to be the master!" Feng Dingchou heard Feng Tianmo's cold shout, and immediately gathered his thoughts and said sadly to Feng Tianmo.

"Let's end this matter here, do you still think the Feng family is not embarrassed enough!" Feng Tianmo's majestic voice really came from the family's base camp, and his momentum was different.

Feng Liuli glanced at Feng Tianmo on the rostrum lightly, and a look of disdain flashed in her eyes.

"But, this..." Feng Dingchou didn't give up when he heard Feng Tianmo's words, but he lost his two sons in Feng Liuli's hands, how could he give up.

"Huh?" Feng Tianmo looked at Feng Dingchou coldly and hummed, "Could it be that Patriarch Feng has an objection!"

Feng Tianmo looked at Feng Dingchou with cold and dignified eyes, no matter how big Feng Dingchou was Dissent did not dare to speak out at this moment.

He gritted his teeth with difficulty and bowed his head respectfully to Feng Tianmo: "No!"

What is the identity of the other party? The fifth master from the Feng family's base camp is also the youngest master of the Feng family. He has a pivotal role in the Feng family. status.

But the current situation and the words Feng Tianmo said were obviously defending Feng Liuli. Even if Feng Dingchou was angry, he understood this level.

The light in his eyes with his head lowered slightly flickered, and his eyes were full of ferocious light. He would never let Feng Liuli go.

"Since there isn't any, let's start the martial arts competition!" Feng Tianmo said solemnly, with an unquestionable look in his tone.

"Wait!" Feng Liuli took a step forward and said in a cold voice, her eyes full of arrogance.

"Feng Liuli, what else do you have to do?" Feng Tianmo raised his eyebrows and looked at Feng Liuli. It was only after today's battle that he re-examined his direct niece.

"I would like to admit defeat, since it's a gambling contract, you should abide by the rules of the game!" Feng Liuli said confidently, her arrogant, cold, noble and extraordinary face was indescribably peerless.

"His son lost to me, so from now on he will no longer be the patriarch of the Feng family's collateral family!"

Feng Liuli stretched out her finger to Feng Dingchou, her eyes were full of pride, and her dark eyes were full of ignorance. 's bright light.

Feng Dingchou was pointed at by Feng Liuli, her expression suddenly changed to anger and said, "Feng Liuli, don't deceive people too much!"

"Is there, this lady only knows that she is willing to admit defeat, what do you think of fifth uncle?" Feng Liuli Looking up at Feng Tianmo, the fifth uncle stunned everyone present.

Feng Tianmo looked at Feng Liuli in surprise, a different light flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

"Feng Liuli, don't forget that you have left the Feng family on your own initiative, you have no right to do so!"

Feng Dingchou panicked suddenly, her face turned cold and she shouted coldly. It's gone, he's done with everything!

"Who said I'm not qualified to do this, this is what your son promised me, and you didn't deny it at the time, it was the acquiescence!" Feng Liuli said with a light smile, and a dazzling brilliance flashed in the bottom of her eyes as she looked at Feng Tianmo.

"Uncle Fifth, do you think so?"

The repeated "Uncle Fifth" made Feng Tianmo elated and nodded lightly.

When Feng Dingchou saw Feng Tianmo like this, her face turned pale: "Five masters, you can't listen to Feng Liuli's words...!"

"Okay, that's it, since it's a gambling contract, you should follow the rules. From now on, Feng Dingchou is no longer the patriarch of the Feng family's collateral family

!" With the sound of "Boom!", the entire competition venue immediately became noisy because of Feng Tianmo's decision.

Feng Dingchou was so frightened that she sat on the ground, she couldn't believe it was over like this suddenly, no son, no patriarch, and nothing.

At this moment, Feng Dingchou's mind only had thick resentment, killing intent, and the hideous face was covered with ashes.

"Feng Liuli, I'll kill you!" Suddenly, Feng Dingchou burst into a rage, with a ferocious look on his face, and attacked Feng Liuli furiously.

That completely lost his mind looks like a crazy angry lion.

"Hmph, courting death!"

Feng Liuli snorted coldly, her icy face was full of arrogance and coldness, and her cold eyes spurted out a strong killing intent.

The fierce aura was released, and Feng Dingchou didn't take Feng Dingchou seriously.

In the face of Feng Dingchou's crazy attack, Feng Liuli still responded calmly, and the peak power of the ninth rank of spiritual power made her not afraid of Feng Dingchou's aura.

The figure like a king is still high above, she has not forgotten that she is a king, a ace mercenary in her previous life!

The icy eyes spurted out fierce murderous intent, and facing Feng Dingchou who was madly attacked, he suddenly smiled evilly: "Feng Dingchou, I tell you that I'm not the real Feng Liuli, hehehe!"

Feng Liuli's words made him go crazy. Feng Dingchou's face froze for a moment, and it was at this moment that Feng Liuli reached out and quickly struck Feng Dingchou.

"Ah..." The screams of tears hovered in the sky, and blood like blood spilled down like raindrops, falling all over the ground, and the air was filled with a thick smell of blood.

"" Feng Dingchou stared at Feng Liuli, unable to catch her breath, she died.

The heavy figure fell heavily on the ring, and the entire venue could feel the slight trembling!

Everyone in the competition venue looked at Feng Liuli in astonishment. Some knew it, some didn't. At this moment, the eyes looking at Feng Liuli were full of horror.

Fear, in addition to strong fear, is still a strong meaning of fear.

"Is she really still that Feng Liuli?" In the Luo family's team, Luo Shaocheng looked at the cold and arrogant girl in white on the high platform with a frightened gaze.

"Brother, if we treated her like that before, will she come to take revenge on us!" Luo Simin looked at Feng Liuli in horror, her eyes full of fear.

"I...I don't know either!"

Luo Shaocheng said tremblingly. Although he was still sitting, the hand under his sleeve was clenched into a fist in fear.

The martial arts competition has not yet started, but Feng Liuli, the third lady of the Feng family, has deeply shocked everyone in the venue.

What waste, what cowardice, from today onwards, Feng Liuli is coming strong, she is the real king, a genius girl with ninth rank of spiritual power at the age of fifteen.

In this way, she can be called the first genius of the Eastern Continent.

No one could have imagined that a waste girl who used to be famous all over the world suddenly turned into the number one genius who shocked the world!

Luo Jing, the patriarch of the Luo family, and Tang Yong, the patriarch of the Tang family, looked at each other silently, and their eyes were full of horror.

At such an age and with such strength, how bright should he be in the future!

On the rostrum, Feng Tianmo looked at Feng Liuli with an equally shocked expression, and he could vaguely remember some scattered fragments in his mind. The cute appearance of that little person playing recklessly, he didn't expect it to be so big in a blink of an eye. .

Suddenly, an extremely impossible thought entered Feng Tianmo's mind, and his eyes suddenly enlarged, revealing excited and excited eyes.

Among the four major families in Shengjing, the capital of the Xingyue Kingdom, only their Feng family has yet to find the descendant of the Phoenix Mark, and the other three families have already found the descendant of the divine beast.

Looking at it like this today, Feng Tianmo couldn't help but wonder, could it be that the descendant of the imprint of the phoenix that the Feng family was looking for was Feng Liuli, the child who left the family base at the age of five.

As soon as this thought settled in his mind, he was out of control. Feng Tian looked at the arrogant and beautiful girl on the ring with indifference, his eyes blazing.

No one can suddenly turn from a waste material without spiritual energy to a peerless genius of the ninth rank of spiritual power in a month. Among them, the most likely one is that Feng Liuli is the descendant of the imprint of the phoenix!

At this moment, it should be the reaction after activating the Phoenix Mark!

Only in this way can a person's cultivation be able to advance by leaps and bounds, otherwise it would be impossible for even the most talented Temple Son on the mainland!

Thinking like this, Feng Tianmo woke up with a "bang", and his face suddenly sank.

If this is the case, then it will definitely attract the poisonous hands of countless people with intentions. Wouldn't this little niece be in danger.

After Feng Tianmo thought about it, he immediately shouted to the surroundings in a deep voice, "Close all the doors of the Feng family for me, and not even let a fly out!"