Chapter 33 Fighting Peng Chi

"Stinky girl, you are beyond your own power!" Peng Chi shouted angrily and immediately greeted Feng Liuli.

The corner of Feng Liuli's mouth raised a cold smile, and the slender figure suddenly jumped up and shouted at Peng Chi.

"Let's see, who is the one who is beyond his own power, hum!"

Feng Liuli snorted coldly, and the peak strength of the ninth stage of spiritual power suddenly dispersed.

"What, she is actually a master of the ninth rank of spiritual power, how is it possible, she is only about fifteen years old!"

As Feng Liuli's strength unfolded, everyone on the land suddenly looked at Feng Liuli in disbelief.

"Fifteen-year-old master of the ninth rank of spiritual power, this is too terrifying, this is still not human!"

"My mother, I was only at the third rank of spiritual power when I was fifteen years old, and I was still stunned at the time. It's been more than half a year, it's good, it's directly the ninth rank of spiritual power!"

Wei An and other team members who knew Feng Liuli's strength was not weak, Renault and others did not expect Feng Liuli to have such strength at all.

The fifteen-year-old master of the ninth rank of spiritual power, and the most talented god in the Eastern Continent, His Highness the Holy Son who has been away for many years, is not even the same as the girl in front of him.

"Haha, Boss Feng is doing great!" Wei An took the lead and yelled at Feng Liuli with a frantic smile.

"Boss Feng, you are our idol!" Immediately, everyone in Wei An's squad showed their envy, and looked at Feng Liuli with admiration.

All of them are older than Feng Liuli, but compared to the fifteen-year-old girl in front of them, they are clearly ashamed, but they are not jealous at all, open-minded, and some are just proud.

Proud they have such a boss!

Feng Liuli, who was in the air, naturally heard the voices of everyone, bowed her head slightly, and showed a sincere smile to Wei An and the others.

"Heh, I thought it was some kind of strength. A person with a ninth rank of spiritual power would dare to yell at the old man, courting death!"

Peng Chi was still stunned by Feng Liuli's strength, but after seeing the real strength of Feng Liuli, Peng Chi He couldn't help but look at Feng Liuli with disdain.

"The fifteen-year-old peak of the ninth rank of spiritual power is really a good beauty, haha, today you are my young master!"

Gevas looked at Feng Liuli with a stunning face and a dusty temperament in the air, his eyes were obsessed with greed one slice.

"Really, then let's see whether it is you or me who is courting death!" Feng Liuli suddenly smiled brightly, showing a cold and fierce evil smile in Peng Chi's eyes.

"Xiaotian, it's time for you to fight for your master. Come on, my dear comrade-in-arms, let this ignorant old man know our strength!"

As Feng Liuli's words fell, there was a huge empty space. On the field, a silver dazzling light suddenly lit up.

A huge silver wolf with silver hair all over his body and emitting a silver light slowly walked out of the silver light.

The majestic figure suddenly let everyone show a shocking light.

"Ow~ My master, Xiaotian will help you defeat this old man together and let him know that the master who offends the wolf king is the enemy of the wolf clan!

" One after another, the high-level coercion belonging to the holy beast was released in time.

"Holy... holy beast, it is holy beast coercion!" Suddenly bursts of astonishing gazes erupted from the crowd.

Looking at the figure of one man and one wolf in the air with admiration.

Next to the beautiful girl in a long white dress is a silver wolf whose whole body is shining with silver light. Standing together like that, it is indescribably stunning.

"Holy beast coercion, you actually have a holy beast silver wolf, and you are the wolf king with the purest blood in the wolf clan!" Peng Chi couldn't help but be frightened.

He just said how dare this beautiful girl dare to fight with him, if that's the case, then he understands.

With such terrifying strength, and possessing such a pure-blooded wolf king as a holy beast contracted beast, for whatever reason, he would not allow such a girl to grow up.

A vicious and vicious light suddenly appeared in Peng Chi's eyes, and he immediately attacked Feng Liuli.

If it is easy for Peng Chi to deal with Feng Liuli, but if he adds a holy beast silver wolf at this moment, then it will be much more difficult for him to kill Feng Liuli.

"Sister, be careful!" Renault called out worriedly when he saw Peng Chi's face darkening and wanted to sneak attack on Feng Liuli.

"Peng Chi, you are despicable, and you actually attacked. This is an insult to your identity as an elder of the bloodthirsty mercenary group!"

Han Qing also angrily roared at Peng Chi.

Originally, both Han Qing and Renault were worried that the battle between Feng Liuli and Peng Chi would have no chance of winning, but at this moment, when they saw that Feng Liuli still had a holy beast, a silver wolf.

After showing shocking and surprised expressions on the faces of the two, they once again showed confident smiles.

Holy beast, it is definitely a powerful existence that can rival the Houtian spirit. Although Peng Chi is the seventh-rank of the Houtian spirit, he does not have a contract beast, and Feng Liuli is inferior in strength.

But with the addition of the holy beast, the silver wolf, the result is intriguing.

More strictly speaking, this match should be a situation in which Feng Liuli will win.

What's more, this holy beast, the silver wolf, is the king of the wolf clan with the purest blood.

"Ow~" Facing Peng Chi's sneak attack, Xiaotian Yinlang roared up to the sky.

Feng Liuli's face sank even more, and a fierce light flashed from the bottom of her icy eyes.

"Naughty animal, today this old man has fulfilled you and your master to go to Huangquan together, huh, go to hell!"

Suddenly, Peng Chi burst out, and the whole body suddenly belonged to the peak of the seventh stage of the Houtian Spirit towards Feng Liuli and Feng Liuli. Xiaotian Silver Wolf howled.

"Hmph, if you dare to send us to Huangquan, this girl will accept you as an old man first!" Feng Liuli refused to give in at all.

"Master, leave it to me!" Xiaotian Yinlang gave a low voice to Feng Liuli, instantly exuding the high-level coercion of the holy beast, and the continuous high-level coercion of the holy beast swung towards Peng Chi.

With a palm fall, Peng Chi's attack was quickly broken by Feng Liuli.

Peng Chi was not reconciled, and once again he would throw a palm at Feng Liuli and only take the face door, which was an absolute killer move.

Feng Liuli's face turned cold, a bloodthirsty light flashed in her eyes, and the aura that belonged to the ace mercenary of the previous life suddenly burst out.

The strange white figure suddenly flashed, and the speed was so fast that it suddenly rushed behind Peng Chi from an angle that no one else could see.

"What a fast speed!" Renault was amazed at Feng Liuli's moves, and he wondered with relish.

"Resolute, calm and self-controlled, this girl is really not a simple character, why can't the Feng family be so talented!"

Han Qing behind Renault also cast a stunning light on Feng Liuli, his eyes full of thick eyes of appreciation.

"I'm still wondering why the young master gave her such an important position as a guest. It seems that the position of the guest was well given, not only because of the extra talent of the guest, but also the addition of a huge guest. Forces are allies!"

Han Qing said with a smile on his face, although Han Qing had no objection when Renault announced Feng Liuli as a guest minister, he was even more optimistic about Feng Liuli in his heart.

But now Han Qing is glad that a peerless genius like Feng Liuli is their lone wolf guest!

"Yeah, stinky girl, what move did you use, why haven't I seen it before?" Peng Chi suddenly said angrily when he saw Feng Liuli's strange figure hovering around him all the time.

"I told you what moves it's not cheap for you, hum, you haven't been able to hit me for so long, now it's my turn!"

Feng Liuli snorted coldly, showing a wicked mockery at Peng Chi smile.

"Xiaotian, cooperate with me!" Following Feng Liuli's cold voice, Xiaotian Yinlang immediately came behind Feng Liuli and cooperated with Feng Liuli.

"Peng Chi, look at how this young lady subdued you in one move, hum!" Feng Liuli's arrogant face was full of bloodthirsty smiles.

"It's impossible with you!" How could Peng Chi believe that a stinky girl who was at the peak of the ninth rank of spiritual power could defeat him with a single blow, and his hideous face was full of disbelief.

"Then I'll let you open your eyes today!" Feng Liuli snorted suddenly, bloodthirsty eyes full of murderous intent, and Luck's whole body's spiritual power struck Peng Chi.

The Xiaotian Silver Wolf behind Feng Liuli cooperated with his master's movements and sent all his strength into Feng Liuli's body.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, everyone only saw a black shadow and was instantly knocked out far away.

Looking at the ring, there is still Peng Chi's figure.

Only Feng Liuli's long white dress still fluttered proudly in the air, and the proud face of the holy beast, the Silver Wolf, was full of dignity and arrogance, as proud as its owner.

The black figure in the distance smashed to the ground heavily, and the violent kick made everyone feel a little stunned.

Sure enough, just like what Feng Liuli said, she defeated Peng Chi with just one move.

The entire valley was suddenly quiet, looking in disbelief at the dazzling white figure and the holy beast, the silver wolf, who proudly stood above everyone else.

A fifteen-year-old girl with a ninth rank of spiritual power actually defeated a master of the seventh rank of the acquired spirit with one move.

"Okay, okay, okay, haha, Miss Feng is really strong, I am honored to have Miss Feng as a guest, I am honored to be a Lone Wolf!

" Above the sky, the arrogant and noble girl smiled.

When Han Qing said it, everyone came back to their senses.

The faces of the bloodthirsty mercenary group were full of anger and unbelievable light.

"Elder Peng, Elder Peng, what are you still doing, why don't you bring Elder Peng back to this young master as soon as possible!"

Gevas just recovered from the shock at this moment, and the fat on his face shook, facing the young master. The bloodthirsty crowd shouted angrily.

The bloodthirsty members retreated in fear to find Peng Chi who was kicked down in midair.

And at this moment, the greed and wretchedness in Gevas' heart disappeared completely, and a cold and fierce light appeared in the bottom of his eyes, looking at Feng Liuli.

"Stinky girls, you actually beat my bloodthirsty people, and today the young master of Japan will kill you!"