Chapter 44 Reno VS Gevas

Dragons are very rare in the Eastern Continent, and the only people who can see dragons on the Eastern Continent are only in the temple or in the Dragon King Valley!

However, the Dragon King Valley is only a branch of the Western Continent. Therefore, in the Dragon King Valley of the Eastern Continent, there are absolutely no noble dragons to survive.

The real dragon family still lives in the Dragon King Valley in the Western Continent!

Therefore, the silver-winged Pegasus was so surprised when it heard Feng Liuli's words. As a divine beast, it naturally knew the influence of the dragon race on the Eastern Continent.

As a sacred thing in the Chinese mainland, the dragon family is naturally regarded as a precious auspicious thing by everyone!

"I'm sure, although I also learned from other people that there are creatures like dragons on this continent, but I believe it can't be wrong!"

Feng Liuli glanced at the surprised silver-winged Pegasus and said in a low voice : "And because this dragon egg has already been accompanied by many forces, we have to hurry up!"

"It turns out to be the case, I understand!" Silver-winged Pegasus immediately ordered a handsome horse when he heard Feng Liuli's words. He continued to speak to Feng Liuli.

"I've been to this area before, but I didn't find the so-called dragon eggs left here, but I know a shortcut to get to the valley, and I'll take the master there!"

"Really, okay, Then let's go quickly, we must not leave the dragon egg in the hands of others!" Feng Liuli knew the dignity of the dragon family in the Eastern Continent, and naturally wanted to find the dragon egg.

If there really is a dragon clan holding fire, she will at least let this little dragon who was born in a dragon egg as her master.

Moreover, there is no need for contracts for newly born monsters. As high-level monsters, especially high-level monsters like the dragon family, they have an extremely high IQ since ancient times.

As long as the owner it sees for the first time when it opens its eyes, it will be recognized as the master!

The silver-winged Pegasus heard Feng Liuli's instructions, and with a long whistle, he immediately headed for another shortcut into the valley.

When approaching the center of the valley, there was a furious roar from a distance, Feng Liuli's face suddenly turned cold, and she said solemnly: "Silver Wing!

" The roar of the lion is getting louder and louder, and it is mixed with the sounds of other monsters.

"Master, it seems that someone is already here, and it's fighting!" Silver-winged Pegasus released his consciousness, then retracted it and said to Feng Liuli.

"It's a lion's roar, it might be Brother Lei's lone wolf mercenary group, let's go, let's fly up and take a look!" As

soon as Feng Liuli heard the familiar roar of a lion, she was sure that someone from the lone wolf mercenary group had arrived. , and immediately ordered to the silver-winged Pegasus.

As soon as the silver-winged Pegasus heard Feng Liuli's order, it spread its beautiful silver wings and flew towards the sky.

"Master, look there, it's that place!" After flying for a while, Silver Wing Pegasus immediately pointed at Feng Liuli and shouted at a place.

"Go, get closer and see what's going on!" Feng Liuli looked towards the place where the silver-winged Pegasus pointed, but she couldn't see clearly in mid-air.

With a wave of the silver wings of the Silver-winged Pegasus, the figure quickly flashed in the air and flew into the distance.

At this moment, in an open space, there was a conflict between the lone wolf mercenary group led by Reno and the bloodthirsty mercenary group.

And this conflict is not small, but the four major families next to them are standing indifferently far away, and have no intention of stepping forward.

Feng Liuli knew that the hatred between lone wolves and bloodthirsty had been around for a long time, and it was a rare thing that there were no conflicts along the way.

Unexpectedly, there is finally a conflict now, and the reason for the conflict can be imagined, not to mention others, Feng Liuli still trusts Reno's character very much.

If it weren't for the fact that the bloodthirsty people were too much, Reno would definitely not let the lone wolf people do it, and now that the lone wolf has also started to do it, it means that even Reno can't be angry.

As for the Anmang Mercenary Group, only the chief elder Ji Hua led the team, and they were unable to dissuade them.

"Reno, I am bloodthirsty today so that you will never give up alone!" Ge Vas, the head of the bloodthirsty mercenary regiment, angrily pointed at Reno and shouted angrily.

"Headmaster Ge, I am a lone wolf in the Eastern Continent. Although Reno doesn't want to fight with bloodthirsty today, if Headmaster Ge wants to suppress the lone wolf like this, Reno will definitely not accept it!

" The above is full of stern colors, looking at Ge Vas and speaking in a deep voice.

"Haha, what an upright conduct, you Lone Wolf just said it nicely, if you have the ability, you will fight with me bloodthirsty today!" Ge Vas sneered and said angrily to Reno.

"Ge vaser, don't go too far, don't rely on the absence of my lone wolf leader, you are bullying the younger generation here, you still have no shame?"

Han Qing behind Reno was full of anger, and roared angrily at Ge vaser, full of anger. Contempt and disdain on the face.

"Han Qing, don't scare me here, I'm not scared, even if the head of your lone wolf is here, I, Ge Vas, will do it right!"

Ge Vas glanced at Han Qing proudly, his face It was full of ferocious viciousness.

"You bastard!" Han Qing shouted angrily, the anger all over his body was infinitely released towards Ge Vas.

But what kind of skill is Ge vaser? Although Ge vaser is the weakest among the top three mercenary groups in the Eastern Continent, but now that Lone Wolf and the head of the dark mang are not around, Ge vaser can dominate.

With such a move, if Ge Vas takes advantage of this great opportunity to get rid of most of the Lone Wolf, then the day when he will be the first mercenary group in the Eastern Continent will be just around the corner!

Besides, there is still the support of the temple, just by looking at the holy lady of the temple, Sisi, who has been watching with cold eyes, you know that the temple will not care about this!

Ge Vas immediately released the momentum from his body at the same time, and he was shocked towards Han Qing.

Although Han Qing is not weak, he is also the most powerful person in the Lone Wolf Mercenary Group, but at this moment Han Qing himself is seriously injured, so naturally he is not Ge Vas's opponent.

Ge Vas's powerful aura shook Han Qing violently. Suddenly, Han Qing spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body suddenly took three steps back to stabilize himself.

"Cough cough cough..." Han Qing, who had just stabilized his body, was severely injured again, and suddenly coughed violently.

"Uncle Han!"

"Elder Han!"

Seeing Han Qing like this, Reno and the lone wolf mercenary group behind Reno called out worriedly.

Han Qing stabilized his heart and waved to the crowd, indicating that he was fine, but the pale complexion was enough to show that Han Qing was not seriously injured at the moment.

"The old guy is the old guy!" Ge Vas gave Han Qing a disdainful look, and the arrogant arrogance on his face became more and more high.

"Ge Vas, you're taking too much rest!" Reno shouted angrily, his gloomy face full of anger. "Who dares to touch a single hair of a lone wolf, today I, Reno, are at odds with him!" Reno suddenly shouted

furiously, "Sable, wild lion!"

A purple light and a golden light.

"The sable at the pinnacle of the holy beast and the mad lion at the pinnacle of the holy beast, Emma, ​​the young master of the lone wolf is too powerful, and he actually has two high-level

beasts of the pinnacle of the holy beast !" As soon as the mad lion at the peak of the holy beast appeared, there was a burst of shocking sound from the crowd.

"This year, the high-level monsters at the peak level of holy beasts have also become Chinese cabbage. As soon as they come, they will come and let others live!"

"That is, that is, I don't even have a holy beast. Think about it. It's irritating, it really is the first mercenary young master in the mainland, this style is different!"

"That is, he is the future president of the mercenary union union, how can ordinary people be able to compare!"


more and more There were endless discussions, and with the dazzling appearance of the sable and the wild lion, they immediately attracted envious glances from the surrounding people.

The bloodthirsty mercenary group leader Ge Vas's eyes flashed a vicious and vicious light, looking at the sable at the peak of the holy beast and the wild lion at the peak of the holy beast, showing greedy and jealous eyes.

"Reno, do you think you can deal with me with just two peak-level holy beasts, dreaming!" Ge Vas's mocking voice could not help sounding, and he sneered at Reno.

Immediately, a powerful force was released from Ge Vas's body, and it rushed towards Reno in an instant.

Once the powerful high-level coercion was released, it immediately made everyone around him breathless!

The dazzling purple light made everyone unable to look away, and someone in the crowd suddenly burst out with frightening rays of light, exclaiming at Ge Vas in disbelief.

"Purple light, it's purple light. The head of the bloodthirsty mercenary group turned out to be a spiritual master. It seems that Master Reno is at

a loss!" Seeing the purple light, everyone looked at Ge Vas in horror. Indeed, as the head of the third mercenary group in the Eastern Continent, it is absolutely shocking to have the power of the Holy Spirit.

With the release of Ge Vas's dazzling purple light, the expressions of Reno, Han Qing and the others were even more ugly.

Spirit Saint-level masters are enough to fight against divine beasts, and although Sable and Mad Lion are both high-level beasts at the peak level of two holy beasts, they are a bit worse than divine beasts.

The gap between the peak of the holy beast and the divine beast can be said that one is the earth and the other is the sky. Even two peak-level holy beasts and Reno are not enough to fight against Ge Vas!

Thinking of this, Reno's face couldn't help but become more and more gloomy!

The surrounding four major families and the people of the Anmang mercenary group were also stunned. When they saw that Ge Vas's powerful momentum was released, everyone retreated.

The leader of the Anmang mercenary group, Lao Jihua, also stepped back a bit, focusing on the safety of his own mercenary group members.

The powerful purple light was immediately released towards Reno, and Reno immediately gathered the spiritual power on his body, and blocked the powerful momentum of Gevas with the power of the fifth stage of the acquired spirit.

However, Reno's body still took two steps back, and his face was slightly pale, which was enough to show that the powerful purple aura was not weak.

Seeing that the attack was not successful, Gevas immediately released a more powerful purple aura and attacked Reno once again.