Chapter 50 Return to Shengjing

Six days later, Feng Liuli arrived outside Shengjing City with a silver-winged flying horse!

Shengjing, the capital of the Xingyue Kingdom, the most prosperous city in the Xingyue Kingdom, is the so-called foot of the emperor, and it is also the gathering place of the four great families of the Xingyue Kingdom!

The four major families are the Murong family, the Feng family, the Dugu family, and the Bai family. The four major families jointly control the lifeline of the entire Xingyue Kingdom, which is a position beyond imperial power.

However, the four major families still have to rely on the imperial power. Only the imperial power can constantly balance the power of the four major families, so as not to cause chaos in the Xingyue Kingdom.

However, it is precisely because of this that there is an inexplicable chaotic relationship between the four major families and the royal family, who have formal exchanges.

Especially with the arrival of Feng Liuli, the marriage between the Feng family and the royal family will be brought to the fore once again.

And once the royal family and the Feng family are connected, it will be a heavy blow to the other three families.

Because of this, people from various forces have already been ambushed at the entrance of Shengjing, and Feng Liuli is not allowed to enter Shengjing easily. Of course, Feng Liuli is naturally unaware of this.

Moreover, even if she knew, with her current strength, Feng Liuli didn't need to be afraid!

"Master, is this your home? It's so lively!" Before landing, Silver Winged Pegasus called out to Feng Liuli excitedly, his eyes full of excitement.

Silver-winged Pegasus, who has always lived in the forest of death, has naturally never seen such a prosperous city, and his eyes are constantly shining with dazzling light.

"Home?" Feng Liuli always felt a little strange in her heart when she heard the word "home" in Yinyi's mouth.

If it is Feng Liuli's home, then it only exists before the age of five, after the age of five, it can only be regarded as a nightmare for her.

And if she is a lonely soul from another world, then her home is not here, maybe she has the memory of Feng Liuli in her memory, but she is her, but not all of her.

"Wow, look at the sky, the silver horse is so cool, it's even more cool than the patrols in the imperial city!" I don't know who saw the silver wings and Feng Liuli in the air, and couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Following this call, everyone looked towards the mid-air, with envious expressions on their faces, looking at the silver-winged Pegasus that pulled the wind!

"Which family's young lady is that? How come she is so good-looking and looks so beautiful, even if it is the eldest lady of the Murong family, the number one beauty of our Xingyue Kingdom, Murong Zi, is not as beautiful as her!"

Someone saw Yin Yi Feng Liuli, who was behind Pegasus, couldn't help but praise her in amazement, and everyone immediately agreed.

For a time, Feng Liuli's peerless face suddenly attracted the admiration and obsession of countless men, and many women were ashamed and bowed their heads in shame.

Under such a beautiful face of Feng Liuli, who would dare to flirt with her, that would be a shame!

Before the Silver Wing Pegasus flew to the gate of the city, two guards guarding the city came towards the gate of Shengjing City, looking up at Feng Liuli and Silver Wing Pegasus, who were flying closer and closer in the air, and shouted coldly. .

"Who dares to break into Shengjing without authorization and accept the interrogation!" The soldier who shouted at Feng Liuli's cold drink had a mighty look on his face, full of momentum.

"Yinyi, someone told us to go down, do you want to go down?" Feng Liuli listened to the cold shouts of the guard soldiers, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and an icy gleam flashed through her eyes as she asked Yinyi.

Yinyi's bright eyes glanced down, he let out a breath of disdain, and shook his head at Feng Liuli.

"It's good, then we'll go through the city gate. This girl wants to see how they deal with me, Yinyi, let's go!" Feng Liuli glanced at the city wall with her head raised high at her two eyes with disdain. A guard.

"Stop, did the people above hear from the interrogation, we won't be polite if we don't come down!" Another soldier immediately shouted at Feng Liuli in a cold voice.

Although the two of them are just two ordinary defending soldiers, they have their own support.

The two guards originally wanted to scare Feng Liuli down, but who is Feng Liuli, how could she buy this battle, and still dangle leisurely in the air with Yinyi, flying closer and closer to the gate of Shengjing.

"Presumptuous, come here, arrest them for me!" When the two saw Feng Liuli ignoring them at all, they were immediately furious, and immediately ordered them to their subordinates.

"Yes!" Immediately, several soldiers came up behind the two and responded loudly, jumping up to face Feng Liuli and intercepting them one after another.

"Being over your head, Silver Wing, let them look down on us!" Feng Liuli instructed the Silver Wing Pegasus with a smile in her disdainful eyes.

Almost, the silver-winged Pegasus was struck by Feng Liuli's words. When did the owner have this hobby, how could it not know, maybe it was newly infected by the hobby of being seriously injured and unconscious.

Silver-winged Pegasus thought so, and his whole body couldn't help shivering.

"Master, Silver Wing can't let it go!" As a divine beast, Silver Wing never farts indiscriminately, and at this moment is naturally telling the truth.

Feng Liuli glanced at the silver-winged Pegasus with disdain, shook her head helplessly, and said half-heartedly, "Then you should hiccup!"

"Master, Yin-wing is a divine beast, you can't do such a rude thing!" Yi suddenly burst out with a sentence, which made Feng Liuli stunned for a while.

"Silly Yinyi, this is not something that is not good, we are just making full use of the resources that can be used, so you can just give a little fart, so as to purify the air!"

Feng Liuli suddenly said softly to Yinyifei . Ma said that the smile on his face is as gentle as it is gentle, and it can be gentle dripping water.

Silver-winged Pegasus suddenly had goose bumps all over his body, and his back was cold. Looking at such a gentle Feng Liuli was like a nightmare.

"Okay, since it's to purify the air, then Silver Wing should make some contribution, then I'll let it go!"

Under the gentleness of Feng Liuli, Silver Wing Pegasus said decisively, with a look on his face. Normal color.

"Pffffffffff..." Suddenly, Silver-Winged Pegasus released four consecutive stinky farts, Feng Liuli frowned and asked Silver-Winged Pegasus.

"Yinyi, have you had a bad stomach recently, why is it thicker?" Feng Liuli asked seriously.

"Master, have you forgotten the beans you fed Silver Wing yesterday!" Silver Wing Pegasus suddenly wanted to dump his master.

It's okay to let it do things that are of no quality, but the owner of the family has let it do such a thing of no quality and has no regrets at all. Damn it!

Its divine beast dignity was swept away in no time!

"Bang, bang, bang..." With the continuous bombardment of the silver-winged Pegasus, there were several loud noises, and the soldiers who were going to intercept Feng Liuli were suddenly thrown down.

"Wow, what's the smell, it smells so bad?"

"Fuck, who's farting again, I don't know how to put it away!"

After a while, the guards were thrown off by the stinky fart of the Silver-Winged Pegasus. In addition, there were also scolding sounds from the ground.

Silver-winged Pegasus looked at everyone with a sad face, and the expression on his face was dark.

"Yinyi, you did a good job, and I won't reward you for not eating beans at night!" Feng Liuli smiled happily as she looked at the people below.

"Demon girl, how dare you attack the Shengjing guards, do you know who is behind us? It's the Murong family, hum, come here, invite General Murong for me, and she will look good later!"

One of the guards in the lead immediately raised his head angrily, looking at the smiling Feng Liuli and shouted angrily.

"Yes, Captain!" Immediately, the guards got up and left.

Feng Liuli looked at the powerful guard soldier, sneered at the corner of her mouth, looked at the guard who was yelling at her, and said coldly, "Oh, General Murong, what a big official, this girl is so afraid!"

Feng Liuli sneered from the bottom of her heart, she just said, looking at the door is so arrogant, it turns out that there are people behind it, hum!

"Hmph, I'll let you go around after a while!" The guard became even more angry when he saw Feng Liuli's sneer.

After a while, a young man in armor walked over. The man's icy face was full of gloomy colors, and the bottom of his slender eyes flashed fiercely.

Feng Liuli knew at a glance that this man was not a good person.

The young man was led by the guards to the city gate, and the two guards who shouted at Feng Liuli at the beginning immediately greeted them respectfully: "Three young masters, this is the person who dares to break through the city gate, and He also injured our brother!"

"A bunch of trash, huh!" Anger flashed over the cold face of the young man, and he looked up in the air.

When he saw the silver-winged Pegasus mounted under Feng Liuli, a greedy light flashed in his eyes, and when he glanced at Feng Liuli's face, a stunning light flashed past.

"It's the city gate that you broke through, quickly report your name, leave your mount behind and go with this general!" The young man flashed a pair of greedy and wretched eyes, and shouted coldly at Feng Liuli. .

Feng Liuli had already seen clearly the look in this man's eyes. This man was nothing more than wanting to covet Silver Wings, and he was attracted to his own beauty.

A gleam of disdain suddenly appeared on the stunning face, and he mocked: "What are you, dare to talk to Miss Ben?"

"Presumptuous, have you heard of the four major families, or the Murong family? This will be Murong Qing, the third young master of the Murong family, the vice-captain of the Shengjing patrol team!"

Murong Qing's face showed an extremely proud look, He looked at everyone with disdain on his face, and with the arrival of Murong Qing, the surroundings were even more quiet.

The girls with a little more beauty lowered their heads one after another and hid in the crowd. As soon as she saw such a scene, Feng Liuli knew that this Murong Qing was not only not a good person, but also a downright evil person.

"The Murong family, oh..." Feng Liuli said with a sudden realization.

"How is it, you're afraid, huh, if you're afraid, hurry down and go with this general!" The smug look on Murong Qing's face made her heart itch for a long time.