Chapter 53 The Huge Feng Family

Although the Feng Mansion was still far apart, it was already possible to see a huge city standing in the distance, with an aura like a rainbow, although there was such a city in my memory.

However, seeing it again with her own eyes still shocked Feng Liuli.

With a thick smile on Feng Tianmo's face, he suddenly jumped into the air, and a smile appeared on Feng Liuli's face as she flew towards Feng Tianmo's body.

That strange figure, the terrifying speed is not inferior to Feng Tianmo, who is the fifth stage of the Innate Spiritualist.

Feng Tianmo looked at Feng Liuli's amazing skills in amazement, his eyes were full of shocking light, and he said with a thick smile on his face: "You have such beautiful skills, I didn't expect you to be able to follow along with your little girl. Go to Uncle Wu!"

"Uncle Wu just wants to try Liuli's skills, how about it, how else do you want to try it?" Feng Liuli's dazzling eyes flashed with dazzling light, and there was a sense of boldness in her body. He and Feng Tianmo asked with a smile.

"Good guy, you actually laughed at the fifth uncle, so let's have a match and see who gets to the door of Feng Mansion first?" Feng Tianmo's face flashed a dazzling light, and he asked Feng Liuli with a smile. .

"Okay!" Feng Liuli smiled, her eyes were full of light, and her bright face was full of smiles.

Suddenly, with Feng Liuli's good words falling, two extremely fast rays of light flashed across the sky in an instant. The extremely fast speed left only a faint light and shadow in the air.

The pedestrian below looked up in surprise and looked into the air, only to see an afterimage, and exclaimed: "It's amazing, what is that?"

"Idiot, can't you see it, it's two people? !" Someone on the side said disdainfully.

"What a powerful skill, they are heading towards Feng's house!"

"The Feng family is one of the four major families, with experts like clouds, what's so strange!"

Looking at the two flashes of light and shadows in the air, the people on the land couldn't help but talk about it, with a pair of experts in their eyebrows. worship!

Two figures, one black and one white, flew ahead at a strange speed, and no one was even half a point behind. Feng Tianmo's shocked eyes showed an astonishing expression.

He admitted that he had used all his strength, but he was still caught up by his little niece, and a strong fighting spirit was aroused in his heart! "Good girl, it's a bit interesting, haha!" Feng Tianmo laughed loudly at Feng Liuli, his face filled with a gratified smile.

For him, only when the Feng family becomes stronger, and only when Feng Liuli becomes stronger, can he not be bullied by anyone, and can stand in the world. Watching his little niece grow step by step, Feng Tianmo feels that I am really old.

"The fifth uncle is also very interesting!"

Feng Liuli looked at Feng Tianmo with a smile on her face. When it comes to speed, she Feng Liuli believes that she is not bad.

"Haha!" Feng Tianmo listened to Feng Liuli's words, his face full of smiles, "You girl, if you want to surpass me, you can already, your silver-winged Pegasus is a divine beast, the divine beast's. The power is unmatched by the fifth uncle!"

"Uncle is really sharp-eyed, haha, yes, Yinyi is the peak of the magical beast in the early stage!" Feng Liuli said truthfully without hiding in front of Feng Tianmo.

"I know, you little girl really wants to scare people to death. Anyway, it's going to be a long time in Japan. Uncle, I want to see what other powerful things are around you!"

Feng Tianmo always knew that his little niece was not easy. In addition to being happy or happy.

"Okay, I'll show you another day, but if you're scared, don't tell your niece to bully Fifth Uncle!" Feng Liuli also readily agreed.

"Haha..." Under Feng Tianmo's hearty laughter, two figures, one black and one white, landed at the gate of Feng Mansion at the same time.

"Hey, I'm getting old, I'm getting old, and we actually got a tie, hey..." Feng Tianmo shook his head helplessly with a disappointed expression on his face.

"Don't worry, Liuli won't laugh at Fifth Uncle." Feng Liuli suddenly said a word out of nowhere, which immediately caught Feng Tianmo's eyes.

"You kid..." Although Feng Tianmo said so, he was very happy in his heart.

As they got closer, Feng Liuli could feel the vastness and power of Feng Mansion more clearly at this moment.

An ancient aura came from the heavy gate of Feng Mansion. The grandiose aura already told the long history of the Feng family. This family does not know how much history and wind and rain it has carried here, but it still stands tall. with the world.

Under the cloudless sky, a majestic momentum suddenly rushed towards Feng Liuli!

"Fifth Master, you are back, who is this?" The guard at the gate of Feng Mansion, who thought that the guard could not help but respectfully walked towards Feng Tianmo, said enthusiastically with a smile on his face.

"She is Feng Liuli, the third young miss of my Feng family!" Feng Tianmo looked at the guard and said with a calm expression on his face.

"What, Feng Liuli, the one who was expelled from the Feng family's base camp and demoted to Fengcheng ten years ago?" The guard heard the words Feng Liuli, he suddenly remembered, and screamed at Feng Liuli. road.

As soon as the guard's voice came out, Feng Liuli's whole body suddenly exuded an icy aura, which was very terrifying.

"Presumptuous!" Feng Tianmo sensitively sensed the coldness radiating from Feng Liuli's body, and immediately shouted at the guard angrily, "She is the direct bloodline of my Feng family, if you let me hear such rhetoric again, be careful. Your head!"

Feng Tianmo had already regarded Feng Liuli as his own daughter, a good niece, and could not tolerate bullying at all.

"Yes, yes, the little one knows his mistake, the fifth master is gracious, next time the little one will not dare!" As soon as the guard heard Feng Tianmo's cold and angry cry, he suddenly woke up, and only then did he realize.

The reputation of Feng Liuli's waste material is almost unknown in the Feng family, and everyone knows it. The Feng family is ashamed of Feng Liuli whether it is a collateral bloodline or a direct bloodline.

And this kind of thing has been ingrained for ten years.

Few people in the Feng family don't hate Feng Liuli. It is because of the name of Feng Liuli's waste materials that people in the Feng family will be ridiculed and ridiculed by others wherever they go.

And Feng Liuli also deliberately concealed a lot from the outside world. Naturally, in Shengjing and the Feng family's base camp, the impression of Feng Liuli still remains in the position of the third young lady of waste material!

"Get out!" Feng Tianmo sneered at the guard, and angrily walked into the door with Feng Liuli, his heart was full of anger.

"Liu Li, don't be angry, you just came back, many people still don't know your current strength, their impression of you is still in childhood, don't take it to heart!"

Feng Tianmo was afraid that Feng Liuli would think too much, after all She knew that the seemingly cold-hearted girl beside her was actually sensitive and delicate in her heart. Feng Tianmo was afraid of Feng Liuli's sadness and couldn't help comforting her.

Feng Liuli raised a smile, couldn't help but smiled at Feng Tianmo, and said with relief: "Don't worry, Fifth Uncle, I didn't take it to heart, they said what they said, I won't be sad, and I'm not angry!"

"Then That's good, Fifth Uncle is afraid that you will take it to your heart!" Feng Tianmo looked at the smile on Feng Liuli's face and breathed a sigh of relief.

There was still anger in the bottom of his heart, the Feng family should really take care of it, even a guard disciple dared to speak like this now, it's a bastard.

Thinking of this, Feng Tianmo's expression was still cold and gloomy.

"Liu Li has grown up now, and one day I will show the world how strong I am. If you want to not be bullied in this world, it will be harder than someone else's fist. Only by becoming stronger, Only then can you stand above everyone else!"

Feng Liuli said suddenly and earnestly, her words were full of strong arrogance, and the bottom of her eyes flashed a bright light.

In the Eastern Continent, the strong are respected, and strength represents everything. Whoever dares to refuse, she will slap you to death with a fist!

"Okay, as expected of the daughter of my Feng family, that's how it should be!" Feng Tianmo also showed a arrogant look on his face, and his heart was even more ashamed.

Now he is not even as good as his own niece, it seems that he is really old!

"Five masters, you are back, the master and everyone are already waiting in the hall, let the fifth master come back and go!" A man came from a distance and said respectfully to Feng Tianmo, but the expression on his face was invisible. A shred of respect.

Feng Liuli glanced coldly, and frowned slightly.

"Look, Liuli, your grandfather is in a hurry, let's go, let's go to see your grandfather!" Feng Tianmo said to Feng Liuli with a smile on his face.

"Five masters, the patriarch said, only let the fifth master go alone, as for this..." The visitor glanced at Feng Liuli, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he quickly regained his respectful attitude.

"Miss Liuli has other places to go!"

"Oh?" Feng Tianmo couldn't help but be a little puzzled. Shouldn't father be in a hurry to see Liuli, why did he let himself go there alone and not let Liuli go, Feng Tianmo? Can't help thinking suspiciously.

"Fifth uncle, you can go, it's fine, I can do it myself!" Feng Liuli couldn't help saying to Feng Tianmo, knowing which icy light was in the bottom of her eyes.

"Is that so..." Feng Tianmo also wanted to go and ask his father what was going on, why Liuli was not in a hurry to meet when he came back, so he nodded to Feng Liuli and said.

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll talk to your grandfather and ask him what he means!"

"Okay, I'll wait for Fifth Uncle!" Feng Liuli smiled lightly at Feng Tianmo, reassuring Feng Tianmo.

"Then be careful!" Feng Tianmo knew that Feng Liuli had just arrived at the base camp, and there were many intrigues in the family since ancient times. If they encountered those troublemakers, disputes would inevitably arise, and he couldn't help worrying.

"Don't worry Fifth Uncle, you don't know Liuli yet, whoever dares to bully me, I'll punch him with a fist!" Feng Liuli's face shone with a smile as she raised her small fist and smiled at Feng Tianmo.

Feng Tianmo nodded with satisfaction just now, gave an order to the person who came, took good care of Feng Liuli and left and walked to another place.

Feng Liuli looked at the back of Feng Tianmo's departure, the smile on her face disappeared immediately, and a cold light flashed from the bottom of her eyes.